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Colorized and formatted go tool objdump output
# go-objdump colorizes and reformats output of `go tool objdump`
# - it inserts an empty line after unconditional control-flow modifying instructions (JMP, RET, UD2)
# - it colors calls/returns in green
# - it colors traps (UD2) in red
# - it colors jumps (both conditional and unconditional) in blue
# - it colors padding/nops in violet
# - it colors the function name in yellow
# - it unindent the function body
function go-objdump() {
go tool objdump "$@" |
gsed -E "
s/^ ([^\t]+)(.*)/\1 \2/
s,^(TEXT )([^ ]+)(.*),$(tput setaf 3)\\1$(tput bold)\\2$(tput sgr0)$(tput setaf 3)\\3$(tput sgr0),
s,.*(CALL |RET).*,$(tput setaf 2)&$(tput sgr0),
s,.*UD2.*,$(tput setaf 1)&$(tput sgr0),
s,.*J[A-Z]+.*,$(tput setaf 4)&$(tput sgr0),
s,.*(INT \\\$0x3|NOP).*,$(tput setaf 5)&$(tput sgr0),
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