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Last active December 22, 2021 11:28
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# Git branch in command prompts
autoload -Uz vcs_info
precmd() {vcs_info}
# the last part of this command dictates what is shown for git info, referenced later by the prompt command.
# here, showing branch name %b in color 38 (blue) and the repo name %r in color 226 (yellow)
zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' formats '%F{38}%b%f %F{226}(%r)%f'
# can set both the left (PROMPT) and right (RPROMPT) prompts
# %1~ means show the current directory, and go back only 1 level. ie, show the current folder name only. ~ used to represent directories in the current user directory with a ~ shorthand instead of the full /Users/X/ style
# %F means to start formatting the text, with color 40 (green). Normally you'd have to close off this formatting with a corresponding %f, but we want the command we type in to have this color meaning we can't close it off yet. We lean on preexec () to reset the text color for us (see below)
PROMPT='%1~ %# %F{40}'
# optional, if in a git dir, show git info as defined above
# the next command is run before any other commands, so we can use this hook to reset the color back to the default
preexec () { echo -ne "\e[0m" }
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