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Last active October 19, 2021 06:06
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Hybrid Promise and Callback Methods #javascript #typescript
import callbackify from 'util-callbackify';
type Callback<P extends Array<any> = [], R = any, E extends Error = Error> = {
(e: E, ...params: Partial<P>): R;
(e?: null | undefined, ...params: P): R;
async function maybeCallback<T>(
f: () => Promise<T>,
callback?: Callback<[T]>
): Promise<T | void> {
if (callback == null) {
return await f();
} else {
async function doSomething(): Promise<void>;
async function doSomething(callback: Callback): Promise<void>;
async function doSomething(callback?: Callback): Promise<void> {
return maybeCallback(async () => {
return await new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => { resolve(); });
}, callback);
async function returnSomething(): Promise<number>;
async function returnSomething(callback: Callback<[number]>): Promise<void>;
async function returnSomething(callback?: Callback<[number]>): Promise<number | void> {
return maybeCallback(async () => {
return await new Promise<number>((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => { resolve(100); });
}, callback);
async function main () {
// promise style
await doSomething();
console.log('done with promises');
// callback style
doSomething((e) => {
if (e != null) {
console.log('oh no', e);
// promise style
console.log(await returnSomething());
// callback style
returnSomething((e, num) => {
if (e != null) {
console.log('oh no', e);
console.log('done!', num);
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