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Last active April 2, 2023 01:57
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PHP: Bisect Left & Bisect Right using Binary Search (similar to Python's bisect_left & bisect_right). Binary search only works on sorted arrays. Arrays must be first sorted with quick sort. Bisect right finds the index of a value where all the elements from left to right up to the index is less or equal to the value: Array: [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4] Va…
// sorted array must be a 0 indexed
// left most index, right most index all inclusive
// finds all of the elements coming from the left to the right that is less or equal to the key
function bisect_right($sorted_array, $key, $left = null, $right = null){
$left = key($sorted_array);
$right = key($sorted_array);
if ($key < $sorted_array[$left]){
return 0;
}elseif ($key >= $sorted_array[$right]){
return count($sorted_array);
// this section only works for keys that are within the range and exclusive of the last element
// converging upon compact range L,R where R-L = 1, where L can potentially equal the key
while ($right - $left > 1) {
// the middle when converted to an integer is biased to the left
$middle = intval(($left + $right) / 2);
// the left can potentially equal the key's position
if($key >= $sorted_array[$middle]){
$left = $middle;
$right = $middle;
// right will always be to the right of the rightmost key (which is the left), left + 1 = right, as left and right has converged
// therefore right is the number of elements less or equal to the key
return $right;
// sorted array must be a 0 indexed
// left most index, right most index all inclusive
// finds all of the elements coming from the left to the right that is less than the key
function bisect_left($sorted_array, $key, $left = null, $right = null){
$left = key($sorted_array);
$right = key($sorted_array);
if ($key < $sorted_array[$left]) {
return 0;
}elseif ($key >= $sorted_array[$right]) {
return count($sorted_array);
// this section only works for keys that are within the range and exclusive of the last element
// converging upon compact range L,R where R-L = 1, where R can potentially equal the key
while($right - $left > 1){
// the middle when converted to an integer is biased to the left
$middle = intval(($left + $right) / 2);
echo "$middle <= MIDDLE\n";
// the right can potentially equal the key's position
if ($key <= $sorted_array[$middle]) {
$right = $middle;
$left = $middle;
// left will always be to the left of the leftmost key (which is the right), left + 1 = right, as left and right has converged
// therefore right is the number of elements less than the key
return $right;
$a = [2=>-4, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 5];
$b = 0;
var_dump(bisect_left($a, $b));
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amcgregor commented Nov 20, 2018

Obligatory practical example (e.g. why you might need this) I often use as an interview question: given a sorted list of opening and closing times (say, as tuples, given I'm a Python programmer):

times = [
	('09:00', True),
	('12:00', False),
	('13:00', True),
	('17:00', False)

Determine the state of the store at 16:15:

state = times[bisect_left(times, ('16:15', None))][1]

if state:
	print("The store is open.")

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Great stuff! Though there is a small bug in line 81 which is fixed in my library so for everyone who reads this: feel free to use it in your projects!

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