I hereby claim:
- I am cna-bld on github.
- I am bld (https://keybase.io/bld) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is AECA E6A0 9F49 6F59 279A 8EA2 4AD2 B51E 2055 1723
To claim this, I am signing this object:
$files = Get-ChildItem -Include *.msgpack -Name | |
$teamRaces = $files | Where-Object {($_ -match "R.msgpack") -and (Get-Content $_ -Raw | %{($_ -match "race_start_params_array") -and ($_ -match "race_result_array")})} | |
New-Item -Path .\TeamRaces -ItemType directory -Force | |
Copy-Item $teamRaces -Destination .\TeamRaces\ | |
$roomRaces = $files | Where-Object {($_ -match "R.msgpack") -and (Get-Content $_ -Raw | %{($_ -match "room_info") -and ($_ -match "race_horse_data_array")})} | |
New-Item -Path .\RoomRaces -ItemType directory -Force | |
Copy-Item $roomRaces -Destination .\RoomRaces\ |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object: