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Diego Aguilar CRAG666

  • 09:36 (UTC -12:00)
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CRAG666 / build-cuda.cmake
Created April 20, 2024 04:20 — forked from ashwin/build-cuda.cmake
Sample CMakeLists.txt file to build a CUDA program
### CMakeLists.txt for CUDA
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
# Pass options to NVCC
-O3 -gencode arch=compute_22,code=sm_22
Título: Compresión de imágenes
Autor: Diego Crag
Fecha: 29/08/2023
Descripción: Comprimir imágenes usando el método Transformada Discreta de Coseno (DCT) y su inversa
Versión: 2.1
Este programa comprime una imagen dada a un formato mas pequeño de pixels
CRAG666 / easyToggleTerm.lua
Last active December 25, 2023 16:03
simple toggleterm writing in pure lua for neovim
local bufname = "SingleTerminal"
-- Define term position and size
local splitconfig = "bot 20 new "
local jobid = -1
local bufid = -1
local terminal_opened_win_id = -1
local function showTerm(wind_id)
terminal_opened_win_id = wind_id
vim.cmd(splitconfig .. "| buffer " .. bufname)