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Created August 24, 2021 17:21
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i2cdetect-style hexdump in Python
def hexdump(data=None, col_width=16):
#This function follows the i2cdump output format, as it's the most readable out there
if data is None: data = d
# character conversion function
conv = lambda x: chr(x) if x in range(0x20, 0x7f) else '.'
# getting row count
row_count = ceil(len(data)/col_width)
max_row_num_len_hex = len(hex(row_count)[2:])
# first line - header
hex_digits = [hex(i)[2:] for i in range(16)]
hex_cols = " ".join(hex_digits)
ascii_cols = "".join(hex_digits)
print("{} {}\t {}".format(" "*(max_row_num_len_hex+1), hex_cols, ascii_cols))
# next lines: actual data
for r in range(row_count):
line = data[r*col_width:][:col_width]
line_num_hex = hex(r*col_width)[2:].zfill(max_row_num_len_hex)
# if c TODO insert "row ends" check here
hex_values = " ".join((hex(b)[2:].zfill(2) for b in line))
ascii_values = "".join(conv(b) for b in line)
# in last row, if there are not enough elements to fill the row, we'll need spaces
lacking_elements = col_width-len(line)
spaces = " "*3*lacking_elements
print("{}: {}{}\t {}".format(line_num_hex, hex_values, spaces, ascii_values))
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