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Carl Richard Theodor Schneider CRTified

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ejohnso49 / flake.nix
Last active July 30, 2023 23:26
Zephyr Nix Flake
description = "Flake used to setup development environment for Zephyr";
# Nixpkgs / NixOS version to use.
inputs.nixpkgs.url = "nixpkgs/nixos-21.11";
# mach-nix used to create derivation for Python dependencies in the requirements.txt files
inputs.mach-nix.url = "mach-nix/3.5.0";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, mach-nix }:
motorailgun /
Last active June 18, 2024 06:22
Installing Windows and Linux into the same partition

Installing Windows and Linux into the same partition

But WHY?

There was a reddit post about installing Arch on NTFS3 partition. Since Windows and Linux doesn't have directories with same names under the /(C:\), I thought it's possible, and turned out it was actually possible.
If you are not familiar to Linux, for example you've searched on Google "how to dualboot Linux and Windos" or brbrbr... you mustn't try this. This is not practical.


  • UEFI system
  • Any Linux live-boot CD/DVD/USB... with Linux kernel newer than 5.15
  • Windows installer USB
ChipCE /
Last active February 5, 2025 06:53
Klipper bed mesh on print area only macro install guide


Adaptive bed mesh is merged into klipper master branch. You can use this feature without this custom macro. Official klipper adaptive bed mesh

Klipper mesh on print area only install guide

What this macro do

  • This macro will dynamically changing the bed mesh area based on the size of the parts will be printed. The fw will only probe on the area that the part will be printed (plus mesh_area_offset value)
CRTified /
Last active December 9, 2024 17:36
VFIO Passthrough on NixOS

VFIO Setup on NixOS

Disclaimer: Nobody else tested my setup so far, so this is a "works on my machine" scenario. I am not responsible for anything you break on your machine (although I'd not expect much harm).


My system has the following hardware:

  • Board: ASRock X570 Pro4
CMCDragonkai /
Last active March 29, 2019 11:03
Developing with Nix (Nodejs, Haskell, Python, PHP, Emscripten) #nix #nixpkgs #nixos #python
# Bash best practices and style-guide
Just simple methods to keep the code clean.
Inspired by [progrium/bashstyle]( and [Kfir Lavi post](
## Quick big rules
* All code goes in a function
* Always double quote variables
mbbx6spp / ldapserver.nix
Last active October 29, 2019 13:26
Suggested NixOS LDAP server configuration for Lookout. Nix, NixOS, OpenLDAP, LDAP. Basic (common sense) SSH/PAM/sudo settings too.
{ pkgs, config, ... }:
imports = [
# Enable sudo logins if the user's SSH agent provides a key
# present in <filename>~/.ssh/authorized_keys</filename>.
# This allows machines to exclusively use SSH keys instead of
# passwords.