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Caeldeth /
Last active July 8, 2020 10:53

Crafting in Hybrasyl

Crafting in Hybrasyl will be a complete divergence from base. Not only will changes need to be made in order to support peasant advancement options, in many instances the base version is unnecessarily cumbersome, needlessly complicated, and often just generally bad. The following changes to base crafting are suggested to both resolve the ballache associated with each, and to allow peasant professions to have an incentive (but not monopoly) on various crafting systems.

Gem Polishing

Currently, gems exist in Raw, Flawed, Uncut and Finished varieties. Proposal is to remove Flawed and Uncut varieties, and focus on finished. As priest spells use "uncut" gems, new gem types would need to be introduced.

Option 1 - Minimal Change

Insert image of gemstones here

Name Tile Associated Stat
Caeldeth / Status-Documented.xml
Last active August 27, 2020 16:01
Status Documentation
<Status xmlns="" Duration="Integer" Tick="Integer" Icon="uShort" Name="String">
<!--This is the fully documented "How to make an Status" guide. Several references will be made to the coma status in the
public repository. Additionally, a fully filled out "Test" status will be provided in ExampleStatus.xml for an example of a
well formed xml with every possible element called at least once-->
<!--xmlns Element: Should reference the most current xml definition at>
<!--Duration Element-->
<!--Description: The time the status lasts in seconds-->
<!--Overrides: Can be *replaced* in status section of Castable-->
Caeldeth / superpoggers.txt
Created February 7, 2022 04:23
Dim Wishlist Dummy
title:Super Poggers Feelsgoodman List of Wow
description:Whoever wrote that title should be shot.
// Waking Vigil - My second love (pve)
//notes: Dragonfly, Opening Shot, Outlaw, Rapid Hit, Ricochet Rounds, Armor Piercing Rounds, Hitmark HCS, Truesight HCS. Masterwork Range or Reload Speed tags:pve