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Created June 27, 2011 23:05
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idea for refactoring of translating.clj
;; -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
(ns midje.midje-forms.translating
(:use clojure.contrib.def
[clojure.contrib.seq :only [separate]]
[clojure.contrib.str-utils :only [str-join]]
[midje.semi-sweet :only [all-arrows]]
[midje.util thread-safe-var-nesting wrapping form-utils laziness form-utils]
[midje.util.file-position :only [arrow-line-number]]
[midje.midje-forms building recognizing dissecting moving-around editing]
[midje.fakes :only [background-fake-wrappers]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only (pairs)])
(:require [ :as zip]))
(defn first-true-pred [preds arg]
(when (seq preds)
(or ((first preds) arg)
(first-true-pred (rest preds) arg))))
(defn- translate [form & preds+translate-fns]
(loop [loc (zip/seq-zip form)]
(if (zip/end? loc)
(zip/root loc)
(if-let [preds-to-translate-fns (apply hash-map preds+translate-fns)]
(if-let [true-pred (first-true-pred (keys preds-to-translate-fns) loc)]
(recur (zip/next ((get preds-to-translate-fns true-pred) loc))))
(recur (zip/next loc))))))
;; Translating a form into an equivalent form with all arrow sequences given
;; line numbers.
(defn add-line-numbers [form]
(translate form
(fn [loc] (namespacey-match all-arrows loc))
(fn [loc] (add-line-number-to-end-of-arrow-sequence__then__no-movement (arrow-line-number loc) loc))))
;; Translating sweet forms into their semi-sweet equivalent
(defn expand-prerequisites-into-fake-calls [provided-loc]
(let [fakes (rest (zip/node (zip/up provided-loc)))
fake-bodies (partition-arrow-forms fakes)]
(map make-fake fake-bodies)))
(defn translate-fact-body [multi-form]
(translate multi-form
(fn [loc ] (let [fake-calls (expand-prerequisites-into-fake-calls loc)
full-expect-form (delete_prerequisite_form__then__at-previous-full-expect-form loc)]
(tack-on__then__at-rightmost-expect-leaf fake-calls full-expect-form)))
(declare midjcoexpand)
;; There are three variants of background forms, here referred to as "wrappers":
;; 1. RAW - wrappers mixed up, like [ (f 1) => 3 (before ...) (f 2) => 3) ]. Needs parsing.
;; 2. CANONICALIZED - one form per wrapper, perhaps some transformation.
;; 3. FINAL - a nesting form that can be unified with included forms.
(defn- canonicalize-raw-wrappers [forms]
(loop [expanded []
in-progress forms]
(cond (empty? in-progress)
(is-arrow-form? in-progress)
(let [content (take-arrow-form in-progress)]
(recur (conj expanded (-> content make-fake make-background))
(nthnext in-progress (count content))))
(seq-headed-by-setup-teardown-form? in-progress)
(recur (conj expanded (first in-progress))
(rest in-progress))
(throw (Error. (str "This doesn't look like part of a background: "
(vec in-progress)))))))
(defn- final-state-wrapper [canonicalized-non-fake]
(if (some #{(name (first canonicalized-non-fake))} '("before" "after" "around"))
(macroexpand-1 (cons (symbol "midje.midje-forms.building"
(name (first canonicalized-non-fake)))
(rest canonicalized-non-fake)))
(second canonicalized-non-fake))
(throw (Error. (str "Could make nothing of " canonicalized-non-fake)))))
;; Collecting all the background fakes is here for historical reasons:
;; it made it easier to eyeball expanded forms and see what was going on.
(defn final-wrappers [raw-wrappers]
(define-metaconstants raw-wrappers)
(let [canonicalized (canonicalize-raw-wrappers raw-wrappers)
[fakes state-wrappers] (separate-by fake? canonicalized)
final-state-wrappers (eagerly (map final-state-wrapper state-wrappers))]
(if (empty? fakes)
(concat final-state-wrappers (background-fake-wrappers fakes)))))
(defn put-wrappers-into-effect [raw-wrappers]
(let [[immediates finals] (separate (for-wrapping-target? :contents)
(final-wrappers raw-wrappers))]
(set-wrappers finals)
(multiwrap "unimportant-value" immediates)))
(defn forms-to-wrap-around [wrapping-target]
(filter (for-wrapping-target? wrapping-target) (wrappers)))
(defn midjcoexpand [form]
;; (p+ "== midjcoexpanding" form)
;; (p "== with" (wrappers))
(nopret (cond (already-wrapped? form)
(form-first? form "quote")
(future-fact? form)
(macroexpand form)
(expect? form)
(multiwrap form (forms-to-wrap-around :checks))
(fact? form)
(multiwrap (midjcoexpand (macroexpand form))
(forms-to-wrap-around :facts)))
(background-form? form)
;; (p+ "use these wrappers" (raw-wrappers form))
;; (p "for this form" (interior-forms form))
;; (p (wrappers))
(nopret (let [wrappers (final-wrappers (raw-wrappers form))
[now-wrappers later-wrappers] (separate (for-wrapping-target? :contents)
;; "Now wrappers" have to be separated out and discarded here, because
;; if they were left in, they'd be reapplied in any nested background
;; forms.
;; (p "now-wrappers" now-wrappers)
;; (p "later-wrappers" later-wrappers)
(multiwrap (with-additional-wrappers later-wrappers
(midjcoexpand (interior-forms form)))
(sequential? form)
(preserve-type form (eagerly (map midjcoexpand form)))
;; Folded prerequisites
;; General strategy is to condense fake forms into a funcall=>metaconstant
;; mapping. These substitutions are used both to "flatten" a fake form and also
;; to generate new fakes.
(defn augment-substitutions [substitutions fake-form]
(let [needed-keys (filter mockable-funcall?
(fake-form-funcall-arglist fake-form))]
(reduce (fn [substitutions needed-key]
;; Note: because I like for a function's metaconstants to be
;; easily mappable to the original fake, I don't make one
;; unless I'm sure I need it.
(if (get substitutions needed-key)
(assoc substitutions needed-key (metaconstant-for-form needed-key))))
(defn flatten-fake [ [fake [fun & args] & rest] substitutions]
(let [new-args (map (fn [arg] (get substitutions arg arg)) args)]
`(~fake (~fun ~@new-args) ~@rest)))
(defn generate-fakes [substitutions overrides]
(map (fn [ [funcall metaconstant] ]
`(midje.semi-sweet/fake ~funcall midje.semi-sweet/=> ~metaconstant ~@overrides))
;; This walks through a `pending` list that may contain fakes. Each element is
;; copied to the `finished` list. If it is a suitable fake, its nested funcalls
;; are flattened (replaced with a metaconstant). If the metaconstant was newly
;; generated, the fake that describes it is added to the pending list. In that way,
;; it'll in turn be processed. This allows arbitrarily deep nesting.
(defn unfolding-step [finished pending substitutions]
(let [target (first pending)]
(if (fake-that-needs-unfolding? target)
(let [overrides (nthnext target 4)
augmented-substitutions (augment-substitutions substitutions target)
flattened-target (flatten-fake target augmented-substitutions)
generated-fakes (generate-fakes
(map-difference augmented-substitutions substitutions)
[ (conj finished flattened-target)
(concat generated-fakes (rest pending))
[(conj finished target), (rest pending), substitutions])))
(defn unfold-expect-form__then__stay_put [loc]
(loop [ [finished pending substitutions] [ [] (zip/node loc) {} ]]
(if (empty? pending)
(zip/replace loc (apply list finished))
(recur (unfolding-step finished pending substitutions)))))
(defn unfold-prerequisites [form]
(translate form
(defn- replace-loc-line [loc loc-with-line]
(let [m (fn [loc] (meta (zip/node loc)))
transferred-meta (if (contains? (m loc-with-line) :line)
(assoc (m loc) :line (:line (m loc-with-line)))
(dissoc (m loc) :line))]
(zip/replace loc (with-meta (zip/node loc) transferred-meta))))
(defn form-with-copied-line-numbers [form line-number-source]
(loop [loc (zip/seq-zip form)
line-loc (zip/seq-zip line-number-source)]
(cond (zip/end? line-loc)
(zip/root loc)
(zip/branch? line-loc)
(recur (zip/next (replace-loc-line loc line-loc))
(zip/next line-loc))
;; the form has a tree in place of a non-tree
(zip/branch? loc)
(recur (zip/next
(skip-to-rightmost-leaf (zip/down (replace-loc-line loc line-loc))))
(zip/next line-loc))
(recur (zip/next loc)
(zip/next line-loc)))))
;; binding notes for tabular facts
(defn- binding-note [ordered-binding-map]
(let [entries (map (fn [[variable value]] (str variable " " (pr-str value))) ordered-binding-map)]
(str "{" (str-join ", " entries) "}")))
(defn add-one-binding-note [expect-containing-form ordered-binding-map]
(translate expect-containing-form
(fn [loc] (skip-to-rightmost-leaf
(add-key-value-within-arrow-branch__then__at_arrow :binding-note (binding-note ordered-binding-map) loc)))))
(defn add-binding-notes [expect-containing-forms ordered-binding-maps]
(map (partial apply add-one-binding-note)
(pairs expect-containing-forms ordered-binding-maps)))
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