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Max Kaplan CapCap

  • San Francisco, CA
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CapCap / aptos-keyless-ceremony-may2024_attestation.log
Created May 2, 2024 16:51
Attestation for aptos-keyless-ceremony-may2024 MPC Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremony
Hey, I'm CapCap-1482859 and I have contributed to the aptos-keyless-ceremony-may2024.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit # 1 (main_39f9c44b4342ed5e6941fae36cf6c87c52b1e17f)
Contributor # 23
Contribution Hash: bb71da9d 836417a5 0b801deb 0a7755a4
d3271c1b 61ecdd39 4d42b961 5e672749
69682dfb e66e0f1d 7553c87f 0b463514
72ef8fdf a9fc0265 86f32766 369ebfa9
CapCap / aptos-oidb-zk-ceremony_attestation.log
Created February 21, 2024 22:44
Attestation for aptos-oidb-zk-ceremony MPC Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremony
Hey, I'm CapCap-1482859 and I have contributed to the aptos-oidb-zk-ceremony.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit # 1 (main)
Contributor # 10
Contribution Hash: e8a58201 a24a4592 7f8fb476 d6a1f0b9
5f11381d b4c88593 95f719ed 1edbe5d0
6108999e b6515788 b0ebd167 4728d607
8440cbd8 ad8be808 da59f7e8 315cd9ab
CapCap / aptos-oidb-zk-ceremony_attestation.log
Created February 15, 2024 17:46
Attestation for aptos-oidb-zk-ceremony MPC Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremony
Hey, I'm CapCap-1482859 and I have contributed to the aptos-oidb-zk-ceremony.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit # 1 (main)
Contributor # 24
Contribution Hash: 1868f09a 97b5f6db 86106f3d 09e50930
6b972fc5 e5f8a3c3 8cc92fbe 64d823ae
ff75e610 d0eafa3a 3cb25de7 38b60f59
75577022 8e798518 f15c7553 ed4e092c
CapCap / Aptos CLA
Last active March 14, 2022 21:56
Aptos CLA
You accept and agree to the following terms and conditions for Your Contributions (present and future) that you submit to the Foundation. In return, the Foundation shall not use Your Contributions in a way that is contrary to the public benefit or inconsistent with its nonprofit status and bylaws in effect at the time of the Contribution. Except for the license granted herein to the Foundation and recipients of software distributed by the Foundation, You reserve all right, title, and interest in and to Your Contributions.
1. Definitions.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean the copyright owner or legal entity authorized by the copyright owner that is making this Agreement with the Foundation. For legal entities, the entity making a
Contribution and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity are considered to be a single Contributor. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management
CapCap /
Last active January 3, 2023 20:28
Paperspace tensorflow+opencv setup for both python2 and python3 on ubuntu 16
# Don't require you to constantly enter password for sudo:
sudo visudo
# In the bottom of the file, paste the following (without the `#`):
# paperspace ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
# Then press `ctl+o` then `enter` to save your changes, and `ctr+x` to exit nano
# Allow connection from your IP to any port- default seems to be just 22 (ssh)
CapCap / gist:2353326
Created April 10, 2012 18:08
MYSQL dump of reverse engineered database for phpFormGenerator 3.0beta. Use at your own risk :-)
-- Made by the coding ninjas at Upgrade, LLC:
-- Are YOU ready for an Upgrade?
-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- Generation Time: Apr 10, 2012 at 06:05 PM
-- Server version: 5.5.20
-- PHP Version: 5.4.0
SET time_zone = "+00:00";
CapCap / malware.html.js
Created February 28, 2012 19:37 — forked from scottschiller/malware.html
Browser malware found in the wild, 02/28/2012, deobf version
/* Hello from (coming soon),
I've done some security work in the past and figured this would be a fun and quick puzzle, I found the same hash as scott on and googling it led to his post :)
it tries to identify browser/os version, and possibly run a wmp exp
It also tries to visit and and download+exec, two different exes
It tries a pdf exploit ( and also and ? f = b6863 ), and hcp exploit as well ( ), and some pdf exploit
This is all part of the blackhole exploit kit, and this botnet is seemingly Huge!