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Last active June 27, 2021 23:06
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[JS] Minimum Length Substrings
// Solution |s|**2 + |t|
function containsSubstring(str, startIdx, endIdx, substrMap) {
const substrMapCopy = {...substrMap};
for(let i = startIdx; i <= endIdx; i++) {
const char = str[i];
if(substrMapCopy[char]) {
substrMapCopy[char] -= 1;
if(substrMapCopy[char] === 0) {
delete substrMapCopy[char];
if(!Object.keys(substrMapCopy).length) return true;
return false;
function minLengthSubstring(s, t) {
const mapT = {};
t.split("").forEach(char => {
if(mapT[char]) mapT[char] += 1;
else mapT[char] = 1;
let j = 0;
let minLengthSubstring = Infinity;
for(let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
while(j < s.length && !containsSubstring(s, i, j, mapT)) {
if(j === s.length) break;
const newLength = j - i + 1;
if(newLength < minLengthSubstring) minLengthSubstring = newLength;
return minLengthSubstring === Infinity ? -1 : minLengthSubstring;
// solution |s| + |t|
function minLengthSubstring(s, t) {
if(t.length > s.length) return -1;
if(t === "") return 0;
if(s === "") return -1;
const mapT = {};
t.split("").forEach(char => {
if(mapT[char]) mapT[char] += 1;
else mapT[char] = 1;
let result = Infinity;
let nOfFormed = 0;
let l = 0;
let r = 0;
while(r < s.length) {
if(mapT[s[r]] !== undefined) {
mapT[s[r]] -=1;
if(mapT[s[r]] === 0) nOfFormed++;
while(nOfFormed === t.length) {
const size = r - l + 1;
if(size < result) {
result = size;
if(result === t.length) return result;
if(mapT[s[l]] !== undefined) {
mapT[s[l]] += 1;
if(mapT[s[l]] >= 1) nOfFormed--;
return result === Infinity ? -1 : result;
// --------------------------- test -----------------------------//
console.log(minLengthSubstring("dcbefebce", "fd")) // 5
console.log(minLengthSubstring("bfbeadbcbcbfeaaeefcddcccbbbfaaafdbebedddf", "cbccfafebccdccebdd")) // -1
console.log(minLengthSubstring("", "fd")) // -1
console.log(minLengthSubstring("dcbefebce", "")) // 0
console.log(minLengthSubstring("dcffd", "fd")) // 2
console.log(minLengthSubstring("dcffd", "fd")) // 2
console.log(minLengthSubstring("dcffd", "az")) // -1
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