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Created May 30, 2021 04:04
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[JS] Rotational cipher
LOWERCASE_LETTERS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
function isNumber(char) {
return !isNaN(Number(char));
function isLowerCase(char) {
return char === char.toLowerCase();
function rotationalCipher(input, rotationFactor) {
let result = "";
for(const char of input) {
const charIndex = LOWERCASE_LETTERS.indexOf(char.toLowerCase());
if(charIndex > -1) {
const cipheredChar = LOWERCASE_LETTERS[((charIndex + rotationFactor) % LOWERCASE_LETTERS.length)];
if(isLowerCase(char)) result += cipheredChar;
else result += cipheredChar.toUpperCase();
else if(isNumber(char)) {
result += String((Number(char) + rotationFactor) % 10);
else result += char;
return result;
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