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Last active September 17, 2024 20:34
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  • Save CarloCattano/51407002aba7ca86aba7b79d82bba94e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save CarloCattano/51407002aba7ca86aba7b79d82bba94e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Add your 42 header from Vscode

Install 42 header 0.42.9

open extensions browser on Vscode and look for 42 header

1. Open Vscode and go to view -> Command Palette -> Type User settings JSON and clik on it to open the settings

2. Add this to your JSON preferences file

"42header.username": "yourintraname",
"": "[email protected]"

3. Save the file

4. On a new file with the name set already like ft_omg.c

5. Press Ctrl + Alt + H

you can change this shortcut to your liking, I leave that to you as extra points

/* ************************************************************************** */
/*                                                                            */
/*                                                        :::      ::::::::   */
/*   ft_omg.c                                           :+:      :+:    :+:   */
/*                                                    +:+ +:+         +:+     */
/*   By: ccattano <[email protected]>    +#+  +:+       +#+        */
/*                                                +#+#+#+#+#+   +#+           */
/*   Created: 2022/10/27 12:59:11 by ccattano          #+#    #+#             */
/*   Updated: 2022/10/27 12:59:11 by ccattano         ###       */
/*                                                                            */
/* ************************************************************************** */

There is a known/unfixed bug that removes the first line of your code when using it, so keep it in mind kube/vscode-42header#29

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