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Last active January 3, 2017 14:56
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Self Direction Plan - Due Tomorrow


For the final 2 weeks of module 4, we'd like to offer the option to to some extention exploration outside of the cirriculum if you desire.

In class we will be studying the JavaScript library, React.

Past examples of students self-directed study include:

  • Java / Android sdk
  • Closure
  • Ember js
  • Elixir
  • and more


  • A gist with what you will be focusing on
  • 3 Learning Goals for the next 2 weeks
  • A Mentor or Community resource (technology specific chat board or slack organization) that you will utilize for help
  • A short write up about your plan, what you intend to get from this study and why you are choosing to explor this technology.

If you choose to go the self-directed route, you will have some deliverables and planning to do and be acountable for to comfirm you are pushing yourself and still learning for the last 2 weeks.

Learning Goals

Please separate this into 2 sections. Learning goals for this Thursday 1/5 and learning goals for next Thursday 1/12.

In a gist, record what you will be studying over the next 2 weeks. You should also include at least 3 learning goals. For examples if I was exploring Java and the Android SDK I could say:

  • Create a small hello world app
  • Write a blog post about each layer of the SDK and how it relates to an MVC framework
  • Create a CRUD application utilizing an outside data service (API)

Notice these are specific, actionable goals, and not something like "explain the Android SDK".

Mentor or Community Support

Learning is done best when you have support when things get tough. Since you are choosing to explore something outside of the curriculum you should find a resource the help you through the learning. You can contact a Turing Mentor and ask for their support over the next few weeks, you can find a slack organization or other community messaging/troubleshooting channel for the specific technology you are using. This may be outside of the Turing community.

Summary of your Plan

Finaly please include a writeup of what you plan to work on. Why you want to work on it. How you plan to accomplish your goals and explore this new technology and finaly lay out your tentative study plan for the next 2 weeks.

Due Tomorrow:

  • Gist proposing what Technology you want to explore
  • at least 3 learning goals
  • Mentor or Community Support
  • Action Plan Summary
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