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Created June 27, 2013 05:47
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typisches Beispiel eines Option-Typs in C#
public delegate bool TryFunc<in tIn, tOut>(tIn input, out tOut output);
public static class Option
public static Option<tType> None<tType>()
return Option<tType>.None;
public static Option<tType> Some<tType>(this tType value)
return Option<tType>.Some(value);
public static tRes Maybe<tType, tRes>(this Option<tType> option, tRes result, Func<tType, tRes> map)
if (option.IsNone) return result;
return map(option.Value);
public static tValue DefaultsTo<tValue>(this Option<tValue> option, tValue defValue = default(tValue))
return option.Maybe(defValue, x => x);
public static Option<tResult> Map<tInput, tResult>(this Option<tInput> option,
Func<tInput, tResult> map)
return option.Maybe(Option<tResult>.None, x => Some(map(x)));
public static Option<tResult> Bind<tInput, tResult>(this Option<tInput> option,
Func<tInput, Option<tResult>> map)
return option.Maybe(Option.None<tResult>(), map);
public static Option<tResult> BindNullable<tInput, tResult>(this Option<tInput> option, Func<tInput, tResult?> map)
where tResult : struct
var res = option.IsSome ? map(option.Value) : null;
return res.HasValue ? Option.Some(res.Value) : Option.None<tResult>();
public static void Do<tInput>(this Option<tInput> option, Action<tInput> action)
if (option.IsSome)
public static Option<tOutput> Try<tInput, tOutput>(this TryFunc<tInput, tOutput> f, tInput input)
tOutput value;
return !f(input, out value) ? Option<tOutput>.None : Option.Some(value);
public static Option<tValue> ToOption<tValue>(this tValue value)
return value.Some();
public static Option<tValue> ToOption<tValue>(this FSharpOption<tValue> value)
return value;
public static Option<tValue> ToOption<tValue>(this tValue? value)
where tValue : struct
return value == null ? Option<tValue>.None : value.Value.Some();
public static Option<tB> SelectMany<tA, tB>(this Option<tA> m, Func<tA, Option<tB>> f)
return Bind(m, f);
public static Option<tC> SelectMany<tA, tB, tC>(this Option<tA> m, Func<tA, Option<tB>> f, Func<tA, tB, tC> select)
return m.Bind(x => f(x).Bind(y => select(x, y).ToOption()));
public static Option<tV> OrElse<tV>(this Option<tV> o, Option<tV> alt)
if (o.IsSome) return o;
return alt;
public static Option<tV> OrElse<tV>(this Option<tV> o, Func<Option<tV>> altGen)
if (o.IsSome) return o;
return altGen();
public class Option<tType>
private readonly tType _value;
private readonly bool _isSome;
private Option(tType value)
_value = value;
_isSome = true;
private Option()
_value = default(tType);
_isSome = false;
public bool IsSome
get { return _isSome; }
public bool IsNone
get { return !IsSome; }
public tType Value
if (IsNone) throw new NotSupportedException("kein Wert angegeben");
return _value;
public static Option<tType> Some(tType value)
return new Option<tType>(value);
public static Option<tType> None
get { return new Option<tType>(); }
public override string ToString()
return IsSome ? string.Format("Some {0}", _value) : "None";
public override int GetHashCode()
return IsSome ? _value.GetHashCode() : 0;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is Option<tType>)
var vgl = (Option<tType>) obj;
return (_isSome == false && vgl.IsSome == false) || (_isSome && vgl.IsSome && Equals(Value, vgl.Value));
if (obj is tType)
var vgl = (tType) obj;
return _isSome && Equals(_value, vgl);
return false;
public static bool operator ==(Option<tType> o1, Option<tType> o2 )
if (o1 == null) return o2 == null;
return o1.Equals(o2);
public static bool operator ==(Option<tType> o1, tType o2 )
if (Equals(o1, null)) return Equals(o2, null);
return o1.Equals(o2);
public static bool operator !=(Option<tType> o1, tType o2)
return !(o1 == o2);
public static bool operator !=(Option<tType> o1, Option<tType> o2)
return !(o1 == o2);
public static implicit operator Option<tType> (tType value)
return Some(value);
public static implicit operator Option<tType> (FSharpOption<tType> value)
if (FSharpOption<tType>.get_IsNone(value)) return None;
return Some(value.Value);
public static implicit operator FSharpOption<tType>(Option<tType> value)
if (value.IsNone) return FSharpOption<tType>.None;
return FSharpOption<tType>.Some(value.Value);
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