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Last active February 4, 2025 14:56
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<title>Aquacontrol index</title>
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<script>!function (a, b) { "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], b) : "undefined" != typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = b() : a.ReconnectingWebSocket = b() }(this, function () { function a(b, c, d) { function l(a, b) { var c = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); return c.initCustomEvent(a, !1, !1, b), c } var e = { debug: !1, automaticOpen: !0, reconnectInterval: 1e3, maxReconnectInterval: 3e4, reconnectDecay: 1.5, timeoutInterval: 2e3 }; d || (d = {}); for (var f in e) this[f] = "undefined" != typeof d[f] ? d[f] : e[f]; this.url = b, this.reconnectAttempts = 0, this.readyState = WebSocket.CONNECTING, this.protocol = null; var h, g = this, i = !1, j = !1, k = document.createElement("div"); k.addEventListener("open", function (a) { g.onopen(a) }), k.addEventListener("close", function (a) { g.onclose(a) }), k.addEventListener("connecting", function (a) { g.onconnecting(a) }), k.addEventListener("message", function (a) { g.onmessage(a) }), k.addEventListener("error", function (a) { g.onerror(a) }), this.addEventListener = k.addEventListener.bind(k), this.removeEventListener = k.removeEventListener.bind(k), this.dispatchEvent = k.dispatchEvent.bind(k), = function (b) { h = new WebSocket(g.url, c || []), b || k.dispatchEvent(l("connecting")), (g.debug || a.debugAll) && console.debug("ReconnectingWebSocket", "attempt-connect", g.url); var d = h, e = setTimeout(function () { (g.debug || a.debugAll) && console.debug("ReconnectingWebSocket", "connection-timeout", g.url), j = !0, d.close(), j = !1 }, g.timeoutInterval); h.onopen = function () { clearTimeout(e), (g.debug || a.debugAll) && console.debug("ReconnectingWebSocket", "onopen", g.url), g.protocol = h.protocol, g.readyState = WebSocket.OPEN, g.reconnectAttempts = 0; var d = l("open"); d.isReconnect = b, b = !1, k.dispatchEvent(d) }, h.onclose = function (c) { if (clearTimeout(e), h = null, i) g.readyState = WebSocket.CLOSED, k.dispatchEvent(l("close")); else { g.readyState = WebSocket.CONNECTING; var d = l("connecting"); d.code = c.code, d.reason = c.reason, d.wasClean = c.wasClean, k.dispatchEvent(d), b || j || ((g.debug || a.debugAll) && console.debug("ReconnectingWebSocket", "onclose", g.url), k.dispatchEvent(l("close"))); var e = g.reconnectInterval * Math.pow(g.reconnectDecay, g.reconnectAttempts); setTimeout(function () { g.reconnectAttempts++,!0) }, e > g.maxReconnectInterval ? g.maxReconnectInterval : e) } }, h.onmessage = function (b) { (g.debug || a.debugAll) && console.debug("ReconnectingWebSocket", "onmessage", g.url,; var c = l("message"); =, k.dispatchEvent(c) }, h.onerror = function (b) { (g.debug || a.debugAll) && console.debug("ReconnectingWebSocket", "onerror", g.url, b), k.dispatchEvent(l("error")) } }, 1 == this.automaticOpen &&!1), this.send = function (b) { if (h) return (g.debug || a.debugAll) && console.debug("ReconnectingWebSocket", "send", g.url, b), h.send(b); throw "INVALID_STATE_ERR : Pausing to reconnect websocket" }, this.close = function (a, b) { "undefined" == typeof a && (a = 1e3), i = !0, h && h.close(a, b) }, this.refresh = function () { h && h.close() } } return a.prototype.onopen = function () { }, a.prototype.onclose = function () { }, a.prototype.onconnecting = function () { }, a.prototype.onmessage = function () { }, a.prototype.onerror = function () { }, a.debugAll = !1, a.CONNECTING = WebSocket.CONNECTING, a.OPEN = WebSocket.OPEN, a.CLOSING = WebSocket.CLOSING, a.CLOSED = WebSocket.CLOSED, a });</script>
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<h1>Aquacontrol index</h1>
<div class="container" id="channelContainer">
<div class="channel">Channel 0</div>
<div class="channel">Channel 1</div>
<div class="channel">Channel 2</div>
<div class="channel">Channel 3</div>
<div class="channel">Channel 4</div>
<div id="connection-status">Connecting...</div>
let ws;
function createWebSocket() {
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console.log("WebSocket already exists");
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console.log('Message received:',;
// Handle incoming messages here
ws.addEventListener('error', (error) => {
console.error('WebSocket error:', error);
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ws.close(1000, "Page unloading"); // Cleanly close with a normal closure code
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CelliesProjects commented Feb 3, 2025

Rev3: Even more sanity checks

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Rev4: Even more sanity checks

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Rev5: Even more sanity checks

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