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Created April 9, 2010 22:12
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Save CerebralMastication/361643 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# PURPOSE: put confidence bands around a sample standard deviation
#based on example code from here:
#thanks to Vince Buffallo for sending me the link and pointing me in the right direction.
#the sdevConfIntervals takes the following inputs:
# sample Variance, sampleN, and confidence level (e.g. .95 or .90)
# returns the upper and lower bounds for the standard deviation
sdevConfIntervals <- function(sampleVariance, sampleN, confidence){
upperBound <- sqrt( ((sampleN-1) * sampleVariance) /
qchisq((1-confidence)/2, sampleN-1)
lowerBound <- sqrt( ((sampleN-1) * sampleVariance) /
qchisq(1-(1-confidence)/2, sampleN-1)
return(list(upper=upperBound, lower=lowerBound))
# the next bit is just some testing code so I could prove to myself it works
testStdevDist <- function(sampleSize, confidence){
sample <- rnorm(sampleSize)
sampleVariance <- var(sample)
sampleN <- length(sample)
confidence <- .95
return(sdevConfIntervals(sampleVariance, sampleN, confidence))
#test this on 10,000 samples of 100 each
outData <- NULL
for (i in 1:1e4){
outData[[i]]<- testStdevDist(100, .9)
#test if the actual sdev is between the upper and lower bounds.
testOut <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(outData)){
testOut[i] <- if(outData[[i]]$lower <= 1 & outData[[i]]$upper >= 1) {1} else {0}
#if everything goes as planned this should be ~ the confidence number (.90, .95, etc)
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