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Created September 14, 2024 14:55
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  • Save CharFractal/ea151e5e31a4a69dca46f74ee43240f7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Ultimate Alacritty config
import = ["~/.config/alacritty/blood_moon.toml"]
program = "/bin/fish"
opacity = 0.4
normal = { family = "JetBrains Mono" , style = "Bold"}
bold = { family = "JetBrains Mono" , style = "ExtraBold"}
italic = { family = "JetBrains Mono" , style = "LightItalic"}
size = 13
style = { shape = "Underline" , blinking = "Always"}
thickness = 0.5
blink_interval = 80
blink_timeout = 0
#render_timer = true
#log_level = "Debug"
#highlight_damage = true
#print_events = true
draw_bold_text_with_bright_colors = true
#transparent_background_colors = true
black = "#949494"
blue = "#74b2ff"
cyan = "#85dc85"
green = "#36c692"
magenta = "#ae81ff"
red = "#ff5189"
white = "#e4e4e4"
yellow = "#c6c684"
cursor = "#8e8e8e"
text = "#000000"
black = "#323437"
blue = "#80a0ff"
cyan = "#79dac8"
green = "#8cc85f"
magenta = "#cf87e8"
red = "#ff5454"
white = "#c6c6c6"
yellow = "#e3c78a"
background = "#080808"
bright_foreground = "#eeeeee"
foreground = "#bdbdbd"
background = "#b2ceee"
text = "#080808"
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