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Last active September 16, 2024 00:24
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// to see this function graphed out go to:
vec3 cosPalette( float t , vec3 brightness, vec3 contrast, vec3 osc, vec3 phase)
return brightness + contrast*cos( 6.28318*(osc*t+phase) );
vec3 hsb2rgb(vec3 c)
vec4 K = vec4(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
vec3 p = abs(fract( + * 6.0 - K.www);
return c.z * mix(, clamp(p -, 0.0, 1.0), c.y);
// smooth min with radius of k
float smin( float a, float b, float k )
float h = clamp( 0.5+0.5*(b-a)/k, 0.0, 1.0 );
return mix( b, a, h ) - k*h*(1.0-h);
// smooth mod(x,y) with radius smoothness of e
float smoothMod(float x, float y, float e){
float PI = 3.1415;
float top = cos(PI * (x/y)) * sin(PI * (x/y));
float bot = pow(sin(PI * (x/y)),2.)+ pow(e, 2.);
float at = atan(top/bot);
return y * (1./2.) - (1./PI) * at ;
// for visualizing a music beat
float getBPMVis(float bpm){
// this function can be found graphed out here :
float bps = 60./bpm; // beats per second
float bpmVis = tan((u_time*3.1415)/bps);
// if youre using theForce change the above line to:
// float bpmVis = tan((time*3.1415)/bps);
// multiply it by PI so that tan has a regular spike every 1 instead of PI
// divide by the beat per second so there are that many spikes per second
bpmVis = clamp(bpmVis,0.,10.);
// tan goes to infinity so lets clamp it at 10
bpmVis = abs(bpmVis)/20.;
// tan goes up and down but we only want it to go up
// (so it looks like a spike) so we take the absolute value
// dividing by 20 makes the tan function more spiking than smoothly going
// up and down, check out the desmos link to see what i mean
return bpmVis;
// The following are from
float sdCircle( vec2 p, float r )
return length(p) - r;
float sdBox( in vec2 p, in vec2 b )
vec2 d = abs(p)-b;
return length(max(d,vec2(0))) + min(max(d.x,d.y),0.0);
float sdEquilateralTriangle( in vec2 p )
const float k = sqrt(3.0);
p.x = abs(p.x) - 1.0;
p.y = p.y + 1.0/k;
if( p.x + k*p.y > 0.0 ) p = vec2( p.x - k*p.y, -k*p.x - p.y )/2.0;
p.x -= clamp( p.x, -2.0, 0.0 );
return -length(p)*sign(p.y);
float sdPentagon( in vec2 p, in float r )
const vec3 k = vec3(0.809016994,0.587785252,0.726542528);
p.x = abs(p.x);
p -= 2.0*min(dot(vec2(-k.x,k.y),p),0.0)*vec2(-k.x,k.y);
p -= 2.0*min(dot(vec2( k.x,k.y),p),0.0)*vec2( k.x,k.y);
return length(p-vec2(clamp(p.x,-r*k.z,r*k.z),r))*sign(p.y-r);
// The following are from
// Rotate around a coordinate axis (i.e. in a plane perpendicular to that axis) by angle <a>.
// Read like this: R(p.xz, a) rotates "x towards z".
// This is fast if <a> is a compile-time constant and slower (but still practical) if not.
void pR(inout vec2 p, float a) {
p = cos(a)*p + sin(a)*vec2(p.y, -p.x);
// Shortcut for 45-degrees rotation
void pR45(inout vec2 p) {
p = (p + vec2(p.y, -p.x))*sqrt(0.5);
// Repeat space along one axis. Use like this to repeat along the x axis:
// <float cell = pMod1(p.x,5);> - using the return value is optional.
float pMod1(inout float p, float size) {
float halfsize = size*0.5;
float c = floor((p + halfsize)/size);
p = mod(p + halfsize, size) - halfsize;
return c;
// Same, but mirror every second cell so they match at the boundaries
float pModMirror1(inout float p, float size) {
float halfsize = size*0.5;
float c = floor((p + halfsize)/size);
p = mod(p + halfsize,size) - halfsize;
p *= mod(c, 2.0)*2 - 1.;
return c;
// Repeat the domain only in positive direction. Everything in the negative half-space is unchanged.
float pModSingle1(inout float p, float size) {
float halfsize = size*0.5;
float c = floor((p + halfsize)/size);
if (p >= 0.)
p = mod(p + halfsize, size) - halfsize;
return c;
// Repeat around the origin by a fixed angle.
// For easier use, num of repetitions is use to specify the angle.
float pModPolar(inout vec2 p, float repetitions) {
float PI = 3.14;
float angle = 2.*PI/repetitions;
float a = atan(p.y, p.x) + angle/2.;
float r = length(p);
float c = floor(a/angle);
a = mod(a,angle) - angle/2.;
p = vec2(cos(a), sin(a))*r;
// For an odd number of repetitions, fix cell index of the cell in -x direction
// (cell index would be e.g. -5 and 5 in the two halves of the cell):
if (abs(c) >= (repetitions/2.)) c = abs(c);
return c;
// Repeat in two dimensions
vec2 pMod2(inout vec2 p, vec2 size) {
vec2 c = floor((p + size*0.5)/size);
p = mod(p + size*0.5,size) - size*0.5;
return c;
//// the following are from the book of shaders
float random (in vec2 _st) {
return fract(sin(dot(_st.xy,
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