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Atomic counter using AWS, Typescript/Node + AWS
// no other operations can happen before or after state of the data being modified
const updateParams: DocumentClient.UpdateItemInput = {
Key: { pk: `ORG#${organizationId}`, sk: `USER#${userId}` },
ReturnValues: 'UPDATED_NEW',
UpdateExpression: 'SET #itemCounter = if_not_exists(#itemCounter, :start) + :inc, #activeItems = if_not_exists(#activeItems, :start) + :inc',
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#itemCounter': 'itemCounter',
'#activeItems': 'activeItems'
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':inc': 1,
':start': 0
const updateResult = await dynamo.update(updateParams).promise();
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