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Created February 8, 2020 16:37
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## Form elements ##
table_name = 'log_sample' #@param {type:"string"}
SQL_1st_Filter ='ch.loggy' #@param {type:"string"}
SQL_Useragent_Filter = "Googlebot/2.1" #@param ["Googlebot/2.1", "YandexBot", "BingBot", "DuckDuckBot", "Baiduspider"] {allow-input: true}
# Temporary Bigquery table name
table_id = table_name
## Full SQL query ##
# Concatenate SQL filters above
SQLFilters = 'SELECT * FROM `{}` WHERE header LIKE "%' + SQL_1st_Filter + '%" AND header LIKE "%' + SQL_Useragent_Filter + '%"'
# Concatenate SQL filters above
sql = SQLFilters.format(table_id)
## Other config lines for BigQuery ##
# Configure the external data source and query job
external_config = bigquery.ExternalConfig("CSV")
external_config.source_uris = [GCS_Full_Path]
# 1st argument is where you ut the name of the header, here it is called 'header'
external_config.schema = [bigquery.SchemaField("header", "STRING"),]
# Should remain at 0 for default log file upload
external_config.options.skip_leading_rows = 0
# BigQuery job configuration
job_config = bigquery.QueryJobConfig(table_definitions={table_id: external_config})
# Auto-detect Schemas (hashed as not currently in use)
# job_config.autodetect = True
# Make an API request
query_job = client.query(sql, job_config=job_config)
# Wait for the job to complete.
log_sample = list(query_job)
# Print SQL query sent to BigQuery
print('The SQL query sent to BigQuery is "' + SQLFilters + '"')
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