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Created April 8, 2016 15:43
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Unity ThreadedJob class for doing work on a separate thread and checking status or waiting on the main Unity thread.
// Source:
// *****************************************************************************
// Example Job - Inheret from this class and override ThreadFunction:
// *****************************************************************************
// public class Job : ThreadedJob
// {
// public Vector3[] InData; // arbitary job data
// public Vector3[] OutData; // arbitary job data
// protected override void ThreadFunction()
// {
// // Do your threaded task. DON'T use the Unity API here
// for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++)
// {
// InData[i % InData.Length] += InData[(i+1) % InData.Length];
// }
// }
// protected override void OnFinished()
// {
// // This is executed by the Unity main thread when the job is finished
// for (int i = 0; i < InData.Length; i++)
// {
// Debug.Log("Results(" + i + "): " + InData[i]);
// }
// }
// }
// *****************************************************************************
// Starting Job:
// *****************************************************************************
// Job myJob;
// void Start ()
// {
// myJob = new Job();
// myJob.InData = new Vector3[10];
// myJob.Start(); // Don't touch any data in the job class after you called Start until IsDone is true.
// }
// *****************************************************************************
// Checking job status from Unity:
// *****************************************************************************
// void Update()
// {
// if (myJob != null)
// {
// if (myJob.Update())
// {
// // Alternative to the OnFinished callback
// myJob = null;
// }
// }
// }
// *****************************************************************************
// Wait for job in a coroutine:
// *****************************************************************************
// yield return StartCoroutine(myJob.WaitFor());
using System.Collections;
public class ThreadedJob
private bool m_IsDone = false;
private object m_Handle = new object();
private System.Threading.Thread m_Thread = null;
public bool IsDone
bool tmp;
lock (m_Handle)
tmp = m_IsDone;
return tmp;
lock (m_Handle)
m_IsDone = value;
public virtual void Start()
m_Thread = new System.Threading.Thread(Run);
public virtual void Abort()
protected virtual void ThreadFunction() { }
/// <summary>
/// Executed on Unity main thread so it's safe to use Unity API.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnFinished() { }
public virtual bool Update()
if (IsDone)
return true;
return false;
public IEnumerator WaitFor()
while (!Update())
yield return null;
private void Run()
IsDone = true;
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