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Created December 8, 2015 07:00
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Install changetrack on debian/ubuntu host
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# install-changetrack - Install changetrack on debian/ubuntu host. #
# #
# version 0.1 - cj (2010-08-24) init. #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Install package changetrack, if it is already install, then reinstall
# I just too lazy to check that whether we already had it install or not.
sudo apt-get -y --reinstall install changetrack rcs
# First change default config to track all default config files of debian
# packages. And set the email address of system admin.
# We replace the original /etc/default/changetrack file
sudo sed -i -e "s/^PARAMS=.*$/PARAMS=\"-q -u -o $ADMIN\"/" \
# But we save the /etc/changetrack.conf file to /etc/changetrack.conf.old
sudo mv $CONF ${CONF}.old
# Next get the list of config files in /etc
LIST1=$(sudo find /etc -type f -print)
find /var/lib/dpkg/info -name \*.conffiles > $T
for i in $LIST1; do
[ -z "$(grep $i $T)" ] && echo "$i"
done |\
egrep -v '\.schema$' |\
egrep -v '\.tgz$|\.gz$|\.bz2|\.Z$|\.z$|\.zip$' |\
egrep -v '~$|-$|/README$|\.lock$|\.cache$|\.swp$' |\
egrep -v '.new$|.old$|.bak$|-dist$|.[0-9]+$' |\
egrep -v '/etc/gnome' |\
egrep -v '/etc/gconf' |\
egrep -v '/etc/defoma' |\
egrep -v '/etc/openoffice' |\
egrep -v '/etc/cups/ppd' |\
egrep -v '/etc/lvm/archive' |\
egrep -v '/etc/xml' |\
egrep -v '/etc/sgml' |\
egrep -v '/etc/sgml' |\
egrep -v '/etc/texmf' |\
egrep -v '/etc/shadow' |\
egrep -v '/etc/console-setup' |\
sort > $C
rm -f $T
cat << EOT >> $C
sudo cp -f $C $CONF
rm -f $C
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# end of file. #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
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