- Learn IOS Development
- Learn to use a nosql database (Google Firebase)
- Learn to use geographic data
There are approximately 343 parks in the City of Seattle! Some are just small slivers of land, and others are vast with miles and miles of trails. Kids or newbies to Seattle need a guide to help them explore all these beautiful parks. This application provides a map showing the location of all these parks and links you to the park details. When an explorer visits a park, they can "check off" that park as seen in the app to keep track of their explorations, and win badges.
This app is targetted toward Seattle residents interested in exploring Seattle parks.
- Google Firebase (Database & backend)
- Swift (front-end)
- Seattle Parks API
- Infrastructure
- This app will be deployed to an iPhone
- The backend will be hosted on Google Firebase
- a user can see a map with point locations of all seattle parks
- the map point locations will indicate (by color or symbol) whether the user has visited the park yet
- the user can zoom in and out of the map
- the map also shows the user's current location
- the user can select a park point location, which navigates to a park details page.
- if the user is signed in, the park details page shows whether or not the user has been there and a date of visit, if so
- a user can sign into the app to see their saved data
- the user has an account details/achievements page
- the page shows how many parks they have visited
- the page shows the points or badges earned
- the user can see a page of general info about the game app (how to use, datasets involved, etc.)