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Last active December 11, 2015 17:58
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Cucumbering the device info page
Feature: Device Info
As a Tapjoy employee
I want to search devices
So that I can efficiently manage their clicks, apps and rewards
Scenario: Visiting the "device info" page without a search
When I visit the device info "show" page
Then I should see the "search bar"
And I should not see the "Apps Section"
And I should not see the "Clicks Section"
And I should not see the "Devices Section"
Scenario: Visiting the "device info" page with a search
When I visit the device info "index" page
Then I should see the "search bar"
And I should see one device
And I should see the "Apps Section"
And I should see the "Clicks Section"
Scenario Outline: Searching for a device on the "Device Info Page"
Given I have selected <search> in the dropdown and put a <query> in the search bar
When I hit the search button
Then Any devices, apps, and clicks on the page should be removed
And I should receive back <count> devices
| search | count | query |
| Smart Search | 1 | b0b942d6f63d8f86a1bccafc1f1be72aa7f04744 |
| Search by Device ID | 1 | b0b942d6f63d8f86a1bccafc1f1be72aa7f04744 |
| Smart Search | 1 | b0b942d6f63d8f86a1bccafc1f1be72aa7f04744.01416cf9-45a5-4fc0-a860-e003a27d8714 |
| Search by Click Key | 1 | b0b942d6f63d8f86a1bccafc1f1be72aa7f04744.01416cf9-45a5-4fc0-a860-e003a27d8714 |
| Smart Search | 1 or more | MAC Address |
| Search by MAC Address | 1 or more | MAC Address |
| Smart Search | 1 or more | Email Address |
| Search by Email Address | 1 or more | Email Address |
Scenario: Having a single device selected
Given I have completed a device info search with at least one result
When I select a device
Then I should see the "Devices Section"
And it should start loading the "Apps Section"
And it should start loading the "Clicks Section"
Scenario: Having multiple devices returned
Given multiple devices
Given no device has been selected
When I do a device info search by email address with that address
Then I should not see the "Apps Section"
And I should not see the "Clicks Section"
When I click one of the devices
Then I should have a single device selected
And the others should form a scrollable list on the left side
Scenario: Loading more apps
Given I have a single device selected and have gotten an apps page back and there are multiple pages
When I click for a new page
Then the a new page page of apps should load in
Scenario: Loading all Apps
Given there are multiple app pages
Given not all have been loaded in
Then I should should see the "Load All Apps" button
When I click the "Load All Apps" button
Then the app controls should be disabled while the load happens
And I should not see the "Load All Apps" button anymore
And when the load completes the app controls should be reenabled
Scenario: Getting more clicks
Given I have a single device selected
Given have gotten a page of clicks back
Given the "all clicks loaded" message has not appeared
When I scroll to the bottom
Then I should see the "Load more clicks" button
When I click the "Load more clicks" button
Then I should not see the "Load more clicks" button
And The page should start loading clicks
When The clicks have loaded
Then I should see either the "Load more clicks" button or the "all clicks loaded" message
Scenario: Filtering by app
Given I have a single device selected
Given I have at least one apps page laoded in for the selected device
Given I have at least one clicks page loaded in for the selected device
Given I have not filtered by a reward status
Given the page is not currently loading apps
When I click the filter button on an app
Then I should not see any apps other than that one
And the filter icon should be replaced by an eject icon
And I should not see any clicks that aren't related to that app
And I should see every click related to that app
And I should not see the app page controls
And I should see a filter bar for the selected app
Scenario: Filtering by reward status
Given I have a single device selected
Given I have at least one clicks page loaded in for the selected device
Given I have not filtered by app
When I click on a reward type
Then I should not see any clicks that do not have that reward type
And I should see every click that has that reward type
And I should see a filter bar for the selected reward type
Scenario Outline: Multiple filters
Given I have already filtered by <filter>
When I click the <button>
Then I should only see clicks that apply to both filters
And I should see two filter bars
| filter | button |
| app | reward type |
| reward type | app filter |
Scenario Outline: Removing a filter
Given I have filtered clicks by <filter>
When I click <button>
Then I should see clicks that do not apply to that <filter>
And I should not see the filter bar for that <filter>
| filter | button |
| app | app eject |
| app | filter bar close |
| reward type | click total |
| reward type | filter bar close |
Scenario: Searching Apps
Given I have a single device selected
Given I have one or more app pages loaded
Given the page is not currently loading apps
When I click the search bar
Then the search string should be blank
And I should see every app for the selected device
And I should not see the page controls
When I type in the search bar
Then I should see the apps whose name or ID match the search string
And I should not see the app whose name and ID do not match the search string
Scenario: Updating device
Given I have a single device selected
When I click the <button> button
Then All the devices on the page should be disabled
When the device gets uploaded
Then I should see a notification at the top of the page
And the devices should be enabled
| button |
| Update Device |
| Recreate Identifiers |
Scenario: Switching device
Given I have multiple devices on the page
Given I have a single device selected
When I click on a different device
Then that should become the selected device
And apps for the previous device should be hidden
And clicks for the previous device should be hidden
And apps for the new device should start loading
And clicks for the new device should start loading
def check_visibility_by_id(name)
def get_selector(name)
case name.downcase!
when 'search bar'
when 'apps section'
when 'clicks section'
when 'devices section'
when 'load all apps'
when 'load more clicks'
"#clicks_#{} .load-more-clicks"
when 'all clicks loaded'
"#clicks_#{} .all-clicks-loaded"
"no selector for #{name}"
When \^I visit the device info "(.*?)"$ page\ do |page|
visit page == 'index' ? tools_device_info_index_path : tools_device_info_path('b0b942d6f63d8f86a1bccafc1f1be72aa7f04742')
Then \^I should see the "(.*?)"$\ do |section|
Then \^I should not see the "(.*?)"$\ do |section|
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