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Created December 5, 2008 22:42
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(ns org.drewolson.dragon
:extends javax.swing.JFrame))
(defn -paint [this graphics]
(prn :paint-called)
(doto graphics
(.drawString "Hello, World" 20 20)))
(defn -main []
(let [dragon (new org.drewolson.dragon)]
(doto dragon
(.setSize 300 300)
(.setVisible true))))
; -- or --
(ns org.drewolson.dragon
(defn -main []
(let [dragon (proxy [javax.swing.JFrame] []
(paint [graphics]
(prn :paint-called)
(doto graphics
(.drawString "Hello, World" 20 20))))]
(doto dragon
(.setSize 300 300)
(.setVisible true))))
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