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Created December 11, 2008 04:14
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(defn bind-vec [state-map start-state [stroke & strokes] func force?]
(when-not force?
(let [old-val (get-in start-state [start-state stroke])]
(and (symbol? old-val) (not strokes))
(throw (Exception. "New binding would be eclipsed by existing binding"))
(and (not (symbol? old-var)) strokes)
(throw (Exception. "Existing binding would eclipse new binding"))
(and (not (symbol? old-var)) (not strokes))
(throw (Exception. "New binding would replace existing binding")))))
(if strokes
(let [new-state (gensym 'state)]
(recur (assoc-in state-map [start-state stroke] new-state)
new-state strokes func force?))
(assoc-in state-map [start-state stroke] func)))
; ...and then something like:
(defn register [] (alt nil [\" (append :register (alpha))]))
(defn num-arg [arg-name] (alt nil [(append arg-name (digit)) (num-arg arg-name)]))
(bind-keys :cmd [(num-arg :early-num) (register) \y
(alt (append :double \y) (movement) (visual-block))])
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