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Created January 8, 2009 04:39
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(ns net.n01se.Tree
(:import (java.awt Point Graphics Frame Color)
(java.awt.geom AffineTransform))
:extends java.applet.Applet))
;--- recursive fractal drawing framework ---
; define min and max points for the logical stage
(def minpoint (doto (Point.) (.setLocation 0 0)))
(def maxpoint (doto (Point.) (.setLocation 1000 1000)))
; number of agents to run concurrently
(def agent-count 4)
(defmacro branch
"Applies one of the (optionally weighted) choices to the given
affine transform t"
[t & choices]
(let [weights (reduce #(conj % (+ (peek %) (Double. (name (:tag ^%2 :1)))))
[0] choices)
total-weight (peek weights)]
`(let [maxp# (.transform ~t maxpoint (Point.))]
(if (= maxp# (.transform ~t minpoint (Point.)))
(condp > (* (rand) ~total-weight)
~@(mapcat list (rest weights) choices))))))
(defn draw
"Agent action for drawing single point in the given window w using
the draw function func. Sense to itself forever."
[_ #^Frame w func]
(let [t (AffineTransform.)]
(.translate t 300 650)
(.scale t 0.5 -0.5)
(let [#^Point p (func t)]
(doto (.getGraphics w)
(.setColor (if (zero? (rand-int 80)) Color/WHITE (Color. 0 50 0)))
(.fillRect (.x p) (.y p) 1 1)))
(send *agent* draw w func)))
(defn monitor-agents
"Report errors from any of the drawing agents. (Doesn't do much good
in an applet"
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(doseq [agt agents, err (agent-errors agt)]
(.printStackTrace err)
(clear-agent-errors agt))
(send-off *agent* monitor-agents)
(defn make-drawing
"Launch drawing agents for this given drawing func using the
graphics context of the given window"
[window func]
(send-off (agent (map #(send (agent %) draw window func)
(range agent-count)))
;--- specific shape definitions ---
(defn polygon
"Return a function that draws a regular polygon with the given
number of sides"
([sides] (polygon sides 0.6 0.6))
([sides x-scale y-scale]
(fn [#^AffineTransform t]
(branch t
(recur (doto t (.scale x-scale y-scale) (.translate 0 500)
(.rotate (* (rand-int sides) (/ 6.28 sides)))))))))
(defn star
"Draw a five-sided star out of triangles"
[#^AffineTransform t]
(let [sides 5]
(branch t
((polygon 3 0.7 0.7)
(doto t
(.scale 0.5 0.5)
(.rotate (* (rand-int sides) (/ 6.28 sides)))
(.scale 0.7 1) (.translate 0 -100))))))
(defn tree
"Draw a pine tree"
[#^AffineTransform t]
(branch t
(recur (doto t (.scale 0.5 0.5) (.translate 0 500) (.rotate 2)))
(recur (doto t (.scale 0.5 0.5) (.translate 0 500) (.rotate -2)))
#^:3 (recur (doto t (.scale 0.8 0.8) (.translate 0 300)))))
(defn star-tree
"Draw a tree with a star on top"
[#^AffineTransform t]
(branch t
#^:50 (tree (doto t (.translate 0 -100)))
(star (doto t (.translate 0 1100) (.scale 0.2 0.2)))))
;--- applet-specific support ---
(defn -start
"Applet entrypoint. Start drawing"
(make-drawing this star-tree))
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