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Created March 16, 2012 18:57
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Save ChrisCinelli/2051841 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Logging of Javascript error on the Frontend to the Backend
/* ==========================================================
* Log on a remote server most of the errors in the browser
* @author Chris Cinelli
* Depends on:
* stacktrace.js -
* jsonStringify.js -
* ========================================================== */
(function( $ ){
var isLogOn = true;
//Compact version of Json in Errors logs
JSONstring.compactOutput = true;
function myStringify(a)
try {
//Try the more sophisticated JSONstring that support cyclical reference
//It has unfortunately some probles sometimes: ""Illegal operation on WrappedNative prototype object" see
return JSONstring.make(a);
} catch (err) {
//But if it does not work default to the browser JSON.stringify
try {
return JSON.stringify(a);
} catch (err) {
console.log("myStringify error serializing:")
return "ERROR: CC.myStringify";
//URL of the action that log remotely
var loggingUrl = "/utility/rlog";
//Functions that are going to be accessible using CC.NameOfTheFunction
var pub = {
* Remote logging
* Use CC.rlog (message), CC.rlog (type, message) or CC.rlog (type, message, notify)
* Please prefer the format with "type".
* "type" is a word that help to identify where the log is cominig from.
* "notify": if true, send also an email to developers
* @author: Chris Cinelli
rlog: function(atype, amessage, notify){
if (amessage === undefined)
{ //Only 1 paramer: it is the message
amessage = atype;
atype = "Generic";
var param = {type: atype, message: amessage};
if(notify) param.notify = true;
type: 'post',
dataType: 'text', //Just we do not want it to fail for errors server side
global: false,
url: loggingUrl,
data: param,
success: function(d) {
//Do we want to do anything? I do not think so
error: function(d){
//Same here
//Same here
//Enable or disable the remote logging
setRemoteLogging: function (_state){
isLogOn = !!_state;
stringfy: myStringify
window.CC = pub;
/*Let's log the jQuery ajax errors on the servers
* @author: Chris Cinelli
$(document).ajaxError(function(event, jqXHR, ajaxSettings, thrownError) {
if (!isLogOn) return;
if(loggingUrl != ajaxSettings.url )
pub.rlog("ERROR", "AJAXERROR"+
"|status:"+(jqXHR ? jqXHR.status : "NONE")+
"|event:"+ myStringify(event)+
"|ajaxParam:"+ myStringify(ajaxSettings)+
"|message:"+(jqXHR ? jqXHR.responseText : "NONE"));
/*Let's log Javascript errors on the server
* @author: Chris Cinelli
function JSError(msg, url, l){
if (!isLogOn) return;
var trace = printStackTrace(); //Get the stack trace using stacktrace.js
pub.rlog("ERROR", "JSERROR:[url:"+url+"|line:"+l+"|message:"+msg+"|trace:"+trace.join(' -> ')+"]", true);
} catch(err) {
try {
pub.rlog("ERROR", "AJAXERROR-EXCEPTION:"+ myStringify(err), true);
//Defining a global variable BEFORE including this file noErrorHandler
if (typeof noErrorHandler === 'undefined'){
window.onerror = JSError;
window.error = JSError;
})( window.jQuery);
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