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Created January 4, 2023 15:46
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Example of the effects pattern in Elm
port module Effects exposing (Effect(..), toCmd)
import Api
import Browser.Dom as Dom
import Browser.Navigation as Nav
import Date exposing (Date)
import Json.Encode as JE
import Task
port callDomMethod : { id : String, method : String, args : List JE.Value } -> Cmd msg
type Effect msg
= None
| Batch (List (Effect msg))
| Http (Api.Request msg)
| ShowSuccessMessage String
| ShowErrorMessage String
| GetToday (Date -> msg)
| Navigate String
| ReplaceUrl String
| ShoelaceFocus String
type alias Config =
{ apiConfig : Api.Config
, navKey : Nav.Key
toCmd : Config -> Effect msg -> Cmd msg
toCmd ({ apiConfig, navKey } as config) effect =
case effect of
None ->
Batch effects ->
Cmd.batch ( (toCmd config) effects)
Http req ->
Api.toHttpCmd apiConfig req
ShowSuccessMessage body ->
{ id = "message-toast"
, method = "showSuccessMessage"
, args = [ JE.string body ]
ShowErrorMessage body ->
{ id = "message-toast"
, method = "showErrorMessage"
, args = [ JE.string body ]
GetToday toMsg ->
Task.perform toMsg
Navigate url ->
Nav.pushUrl navKey url
ReplaceUrl url ->
Nav.replaceUrl navKey url
ShoelaceFocus id ->
{ id = id
, method = "setFocus"
, args = []
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