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Out sick

Christopher Dosin ChristopherDosin

Out sick
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Created October 23, 2010 18:15
MySQL backup shell script
# Shell script to backup MySQL database
# Set these variables
# Backup Dest directory
DEST="" # /home/username/backups/DB
victorbstan / php_object_to_array.php
Created December 17, 2010 04:18
recursively cast a PHP object to array
This function saved my life.
found on:
by: crvandyke
It takes an object, and when all else if/else/recursive functions fail to convert the object into an associative array, this one goes for the kill. Who would'a thunk it?!
$array = json_decode(json_encode($object), true);
jayj / flexbox.less
Last active June 23, 2024 01:14
CSS3 Flexbox - LESS Mixins
// --------------------------------------------------
// Flexbox LESS mixins
// The spec:
// --------------------------------------------------
// Flexbox display
// flex or inline-flex
.flex-display(@display: flex) {
display: ~"-webkit-@{display}";
display: ~"-ms-@{display}box"; // IE10 uses -ms-flexbox
JeffreyWay / laravel.js
Last active October 9, 2024 03:43
Want to send a DELETE request when outside of a form? This will handle the form-creation bits for you dynamically, similar to the Rails implementation. (Requires jQuery, but doesn't have to.) To use, import script, and create a link with the `data-method="DELETE"` attribute.
<a href="posts/2" data-method="delete"> <---- We want to send an HTTP DELETE request
- Or, request confirmation in the process -
<a href="posts/2" data-method="delete" data-confirm="Are you sure?">
(function() {
barryvdh / _ide_helper.php
Last active December 16, 2024 10:25
Laravel IDE Helper for Netbeans / PhpStorm / Sublime Text 2 CodeIntel, generated using
* A helper file for Laravel 5, to provide autocomplete information to your IDE
* Generated for Laravel 5.5.13 on 2017-09-28.
* @author Barry vd. Heuvel <[email protected]>
* @see
namespace {
exit("This file should not be included, only analyzed by your IDE");
brandonheyer / rgbToHSL.php
Last active January 29, 2025 08:30
PHP snippet to convert RGB to HSL and HSL to RGB.
function rgbToHsl( $r, $g, $b ) {
$oldR = $r;
$oldG = $g;
$oldB = $b;
$r /= 255;
$g /= 255;
$b /= 255;
sthamann / OrderMod_Bootstrap.php
Last active March 19, 2021 12:14
Advanced Example how to create 2 custom fields, fill them in order process, display them in backend order list as new columns and make them editable in order detail view
class Shopware_Plugins_Frontend_OrderMod_Bootstrap extends Shopware_Components_Plugin_Bootstrap
* (non-PHPdoc)
* @see Shopware_Components_Plugin_Bootstrap::install()
public function install()
pjschreifels / Margin Loop for LESS
Created June 29, 2013 23:32
#layout #less - Create top, right, bottom and left margin classes from 0px to 50px in 5px increments. Use as .mt_x, mb_x, mr_x, ml_x (top, bottom, right left margin, respectively), where x is a number from 0 to 50.
// Margin classes
// -------------------------
@from : 0;
@to : 50;
.loop(@index) when(@index =< @to) {
.mt_@{index} {
margin-top: unit(@index, px);
JeffreyWay / example.html
Created August 16, 2013 17:53
Sometimes, when filtering through a collection and displaying them on the page, you need to wrap every X items within a wrapper. Common examples are when using Bootstrap... Is this the recommended way to do that? Fairly clean as it is, I guess...
@foreach(array_chunk($posts, 3) as $postSet)
<div class="row"> <!-- this div will surround every three posts -->
@foreach($postSet as $post)
<h3>{{ $post['title'] }}</h3>
tott / ip_in_range.php
Created November 27, 2013 22:46
php check if IP is in given network range
* Check if a given ip is in a network
* @param string $ip IP to check in IPV4 format eg.
* @param string $range IP/CIDR netmask eg., also is accepted and /32 assumed
* @return boolean true if the ip is in this range / false if not.
function ip_in_range( $ip, $range ) {
if ( strpos( $range, '/' ) == false ) {
$range .= '/32';