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Created June 1, 2018 02:33
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import Data.Array
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Text.Printf
newtype Puzzle = Puzzle (Array (Int,Int) Int) deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Puzzle where
show (Puzzle arr) = unlines [concat [printf "%02d " $ arr ! (x,y) | y <- [0..3]] | x <- [0..3]]
blank = 0
win = Puzzle $ listArray ((0,0),(3,3)) $ [1..15] ++ [0]
puzzle = Puzzle $ listArray ((0,0),(3,3)) [9,7,5,4,1,2,0,8,13,6,12,14,11,3,15,10] --Put your own puzzle here
findPiece piece (Puzzle arr) = head $ filter (\pos -> arr ! pos == piece) $ indices arr
moves (Puzzle arr) = newPoss where
(bx, by) = findPiece blank $ Puzzle arr
neighbors = filter (`elem` indices arr) [(bx-1,by),(bx+1,by),(bx,by-1),(bx,by+1)]
newPoss = map swapper neighbors
swapper npos = (arr ! npos, Puzzle $ arr // [((bx,by), arr ! npos), (npos, blank)])
heuristic puz = sum $ map score [0..15] where --Sum of the mahattan metrics
score num = let (wx,wy) = findPiece num win
( x, y) = findPiece num puz
in abs(wx-x) + abs(wy-y)
data PuzzleStore = PuzzleStore (S.Set (Int, Puzzle, [Int])) (S.Set Puzzle) deriving Show
start = PuzzleStore (S.singleton (heuristic puzzle, puzzle, [])) S.empty
step (PuzzleStore nodes visited) = (puz, history, PuzzleStore nodes'' visited') where
Just ((h, puz, history), nodes') = S.minView nodes
newNodes = S.fromList $ filter (\(_,p) -> p `S.notMember` visited) $ moves puz
nodes'' = nodes' `S.union` ( (\(moved,p) -> (heuristic p, p, moved:history)) newNodes)
visited' = S.insert puz visited
loop i store = do
let (puz,history,store') = step store
if i `mod` 1000 == 0
then print puz --Give an update on solving every 1000 iterations
else return ()
if puz == win
then print $ reverse history --Moves to make to solve the puzzle
else loop (i+1) store'
main = loop 0 start
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