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Created May 15, 2021 12:33
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Safe retrofit call extension
* This would be your remote data source implementation. Only the [ActorsRemoteDataSource] is injected in your repository implementation.
internal class ActorsRemoteDataSourceImpl(
private val middlewareProvider: MiddlewareProvider,
private val ioDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher,
private val errorAdapter: JsonAdapter<ResponseError>,
private val actorsService: ActorsService
) : ActorsRemoteDataSource {
override suspend fun getActors(): Either<Failure, List<ActorsResponse>> {
return call(
middleWares = middlewareProvider.getAll(),
ioDispatcher = ioDispatcher,
adapter = errorAdapter,
retrofitCall = {
language = "en-US",
page = 1
).let { response -> response.mapSuccess { responseItems -> responseItems.results } }
* This is how your repository implementation would look like.
internal class ActorsRepositoryImpl(
private val remoteDataSource: ActorsRemoteDataSource,
private val mapper: ActorsMapper
) : ActorsRepository {
override suspend fun getActors(): Either<Failure, List<Actor>> {
return remoteDataSource.getActors()
.coMapSuccess { remoteItems ->
* Finally your viewmodel/presenter would look like this
class ActorsListViewModel(
private val actorsRepository: ActorsRepository,
private val mapper: ActorsMapper
) : ViewModel() {
private val _uiState = MutableStateFlow(ActorsListUiState())
val uiState = _uiState.asStateFlow()
init {
private fun getActors() {
viewModelScope.launch {
_uiState.value = uiState.value.copy(isLoading = true)
.coMapSuccess { domainActors -> mapper.mapDomainActorsToUi(domainActors) }
.either(::handleGetActorsFailure, ::handleGetActorsSuccess)
private fun handleGetActorsSuccess(actors: List<ActorUi>) {
_uiState.value = uiState.value.copy(
isLoading = false,
actors = actors,
error = null
private fun handleGetActorsFailure(failure: Failure) {
_uiState.value = uiState.value.copy(
isLoading = false,
error = failure.toOneTimeEvent()
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