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Created November 26, 2024 13:23
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# TODO:解决wsl 控制台中无法按住ctrl左右移动光标的问题
# TODO:让将以下代码可以直接通过wsl命令在powershell中执行
# 太久没更新导致unknown trust可将/etc/pacman.conf中SigLevel = Never
# 更新keyring
sudo pacman -S archlinux-keyring
# 测速并启用国内源
pacman -S reflector
sudo reflector --sort rate --threads 100 -c China --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
# 安装base-devel。注意,fakeroot包不支持wsl系统,在弹出提示后记得选n
# TODO:自动选择
pacman -S base-devel
# 更新系统
pacman -Syu
# 添加用户
useradd -m -G wheel chuckie
# 将wheel组设为sudo的超级用户
sed -i '1i\## allow members of group wheel to execute any command without a password' /etc/sudoers
sed -i '2i\%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' /etc/sudoers
sed -i '3i\\n' /etc/sudoers
su chuckie
# # pwsh对archlinux的支持不好,暂不使用
# # 安装powershell
# # TODO:指定clone的目录
# git clone
# cd powershell-bin/
# # 使用fastgit加速
# # 用fastgit下载的文件大小与github下载的文件大小不一至,暂不知道为什么。谨慎使用fastgit
# # sed -i 's/' PKGBUILD
# # TODO:自动确认
# makepkg -si
# # 配置默认交互shell为powershell
# echo 'exec pwsh -nologo' > /home/chuckie/.bashrc
# 安装YAY
pacman -S --needed git base-devel && git clone && cd yay && makepkg -si
# 安装starship主题
pacman -S starship
# 启用starship
New-Item $PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost -ItemType File -Force
echo "Invoke-Expression (&starship init powershell)" >> (pwsh -command '$profile.CurrentUserCurrentHost')
# TODO:删除clone下来的安装文件
# 用于支持pycharm wsl功能, python包已默认安装
pacman -S rsync
pacman -S python-pip
# 为pip更换国内源
pip config set global.index-url
# 为VSCode Remote Python提供code formatting
pip install -U autopep8
sudo pacman -Syu net-tools #ifconfig 等命令
arch config --default-user chuckie
# 下载常用包
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