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Last active November 21, 2024 05:02
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  • Save ChuckieChen945/8aa2042ec383b309c61618d2a1e1efc2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import maya.cmds as cmds
views = {
'front': (0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0),
'back': (0, 0, -1, 0, 180, 0),
'left': (-1, 0, 0, 0, -90, 0),
'right': (1, 0, 0, 0, 90, 0),
'top': (0, 1, 0, 90, 0, 0),
'bottom': (0, -1, 0, -90, 0, 0)
def create_camera(view_name, translation, rotation):
Create a camera for the specified view.
:param view_name: The name of the view (e.g., 'front', 'back').
:param translation: A list containing the translation values (x, y, z).
:param rotation: A list containing the rotation values (x, y, z).
:return: The created camera name.
cam_name = f'_{view_name}_cam'
camera, _ =, orthographic=True)
cmds.setAttr(f'{camera}.translate', *translation)
cmds.setAttr(f'{camera}.rotate', *rotation)
cmds.setAttr(f'{camera}.visibility', 0) # Set camera visibility to off
return camera
def create_image_plane(image_file, rotation, alpha_gain=0.5):
Create an image plane with specified parameters.
:param image_file: The file path of the image.
:param rotation: A list containing the rotation values (x, y, z).
:param alpha_gain: The alpha gain for the image plane.
:return: The created image plane name.
image_plane = cmds.imagePlane(fileName=image_file)[0]
cmds.setAttr(f'{image_plane}.rotate', *rotation)
cmds.setAttr(f'{image_plane}.alphaGain', alpha_gain)
return image_plane
def position_image_planes(image_planes, spacing, ground_offset):
Position image planes to avoid overlap based on the number of images.
:param image_planes: A list of image plane names.
:param spacing: The spacing value to prevent overlap.
:param ground_offset: The offset to position image planes above the ground.
for i, image_plane in enumerate(image_planes):
if i < 6:
view = list(views.keys())[i]
translation = [val * spacing * 1.2 for val in views[view][:3]]
translation[1] += ground_offset # Raise Y coordinate to ensure above ground
z_position = spacing * 1.2 + (i - 5) * 5
translation = [0, ground_offset, z_position]
cmds.setAttr(f'{image_plane}.translate', *translation)
# Set pivot point to (0, 0, 0)
cmds.xform(image_plane, ws=True, piv=(0, ground_offset, 0))
def create_cameras():
create 6 cameras and 1 render camera
cameras_group =, name='Cameras_Group')
for i in range(6):
view = list(views.keys())[i]
translation = [val * 100 for val in views[view][:3]]
rotation = views[view][3:]
camera = create_camera(view, translation, rotation)
camera, _ ='__render_cam')
cmds.setAttr(f'{camera}.translate', *(10, 10, 10))
cmds.setAttr(f'{camera}.visibility', 0) # Set camera visibility to off
def create_image_planes_for_views(image_files):
Create image planes in Maya based on the number of images selected.
:param image_files: A list of image file paths.
image_planes_group =, name='Image_Planes_Group')
image_planes_layer = cmds.createDisplayLayer(name='Image_Planes_Layer', empty=True)
image_planes = []
spacing = 0
ground_offset = 0
# Create image planes
for i, image_file in enumerate(image_files):
if i < 6:
view = list(views.keys())[i]
rotation = views[view][3:]
image_plane = create_image_plane(image_file, rotation)
rotation = [0, 0, 0]
image_plane = create_image_plane(image_file, rotation)
spacing = max(spacing, cmds.getAttr(f"{image_plane}.width"), cmds.getAttr(f"{image_plane}.height"))
ground_offset = max(ground_offset, cmds.getAttr(f"{image_plane}.height") / 2)
cmds.parent(image_plane, image_planes_group)
cmds.editDisplayLayerMembers(image_planes_layer, image_plane)
# Position image planes to avoid overlap
position_image_planes(image_planes, spacing, ground_offset)
# 创建一个立方体,用于帮助调整image planes的位置
cube = cmds.polyCube()[0]
# 移动立方体
cmds.setAttr(f"{cube}.translate", 0, ground_offset, 0)
def select_images():
Prompts the user to select image files and returns the list of file paths.
image_files = cmds.fileDialog2(
fileFilter="Images (*.jpg *.png *.tiff *.bmp)",
cap="Select images for views",
if not image_files:
raise RuntimeError("Selection canceled or no files selected.")
return image_files
# Example usage: Prompt the user to select images and then create the image planes
image_files = select_images() # Get image file paths from the user
create_image_planes_for_views(image_files) # Create the image planes based on the user's selections
print(f"{len(image_files)} image planes and corresponding cameras have been created successfully!")
except RuntimeError as e:
print(f"Error: {e}")
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Error: {e}")
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