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  • Save ChuckieChen945/a27e8d5adeedbcd5ddb09db457a75b05 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ChuckieChen945/a27e8d5adeedbcd5ddb09db457a75b05 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Maya VFace 节点连接
//Maya ASCII 2024 scene
//Last modified: Mon, Aug 26, 2024 10:58:37 PM
//Codeset: 936
requires maya "2024";
requires -nodeType "aiOptions" -nodeType "aiAOVDriver" -nodeType "aiAOVFilter" -nodeType "aiAdd"
-nodeType "aiLayerRgba" -nodeType "aiMultiply" -nodeType "aiSubtract" "mtoa" "";
requires -nodeType "mayaUsdLayerManager" -dataType "pxrUsdStageData" "mayaUsdPlugin" "0.25.0";
currentUnit -l centimeter -a degree -t film;
fileInfo "application" "maya";
fileInfo "product" "Maya 2024";
fileInfo "version" "2024";
fileInfo "cutIdentifier" "202310181224-69282f2959";
fileInfo "osv" "Windows 11 Pro for Workstations v2009 (Build: 22631)";
fileInfo "UUID" "2E5E59CF-4854-C60D-02C1-B992B19295EC";
createNode aiLayerRgba -n "RGB_multi_setup";
rename -uid "F1CD66A2-4CB4-9CCE-C5C5-799F7E09294C";
setAttr ".name1" -type "string" "red";
setAttr ".mix1" 0.10000000149011612;
setAttr ".enable2" yes;
setAttr ".name2" -type "string" "green";
setAttr ".mix2" 0.15000000596046448;
setAttr ".enable3" yes;
setAttr ".name3" -type "string" "blue";
setAttr ".mix3" 0.15000000596046448;
createNode displacementShader -n "XYZ_BasicDisplacementShader";
rename -uid "46743D4A-4F98-75E2-B2D5-92826D1A407A";
createNode aiAdd -n "combine_custom_DSP_and_MultiChannel";
rename -uid "5AE2F6AF-4988-9500-6B92-1D843A3123B4";
createNode file -n "YourCustomDSP";
rename -uid "D3950700-4950-F6A9-7C69-5EA384D38B53";
setAttr ".cs" -type "string" "sRGB";
createNode aiMultiply -n "aiMultiply1";
rename -uid "F9BE0653-4E3D-5746-0DEC-C08A81060720";
createNode aiSubtract -n "aiSubtract1";
rename -uid "FFA65A07-4C57-CDD2-94F7-46B9F56FD16D";
setAttr ".input2" -type "float3" 0.5 0.5 0.5 ;
createNode file -n "XYZ_dispMultiChannel_mid50_lin_srgb";
rename -uid "CC09F61E-472B-D596-4373-2DB6F3066E98";
setAttr ".cs" -type "string" "sRGB";
select -ne :time1;
setAttr ".o" 1;
setAttr ".unw" 1;
select -ne :hardwareRenderingGlobals;
setAttr ".otfna" -type "stringArray" 22 "NURBS Curves" "NURBS Surfaces" "Polygons" "Subdiv Surface" "Particles" "Particle Instance" "Fluids" "Strokes" "Image Planes" "UI" "Lights" "Cameras" "Locators" "Joints" "IK Handles" "Deformers" "Motion Trails" "Components" "Hair Systems" "Follicles" "Misc. UI" "Ornaments" ;
setAttr ".otfva" -type "Int32Array" 22 0 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 ;
setAttr ".fprt" yes;
select -ne :renderPartition;
setAttr -s 2 ".st";
select -ne :renderGlobalsList1;
select -ne :defaultShaderList1;
setAttr -s 6 ".s";
select -ne :postProcessList1;
setAttr -s 2 ".p";
select -ne :defaultRenderUtilityList1;
setAttr -s 4 ".u";
select -ne :defaultRenderingList1;
select -ne :defaultTextureList1;
setAttr -s 2 ".tx";
select -ne :initialShadingGroup;
setAttr ".ro" yes;
select -ne :initialParticleSE;
setAttr ".ro" yes;
select -ne :defaultRenderGlobals;
addAttr -ci true -h true -sn "dss" -ln "defaultSurfaceShader" -dt "string";
setAttr ".ren" -type "string" "arnold";
setAttr ".outf" 51;
setAttr ".imfkey" -type "string" "exr";
setAttr ".dss" -type "string" "lambert1";
select -ne :defaultResolution;
setAttr ".w" 1920;
setAttr ".h" 1080;
setAttr ".pa" 1;
setAttr ".dar" 1.7777777910232544;
select -ne :defaultColorMgtGlobals;
setAttr ".cfe" yes;
setAttr ".cfp" -type "string" "<MAYA_RESOURCES>/OCIO-configs/Maya2022-default/config.ocio";
setAttr ".vtn" -type "string" "ACES 1.0 SDR-video (sRGB)";
setAttr ".vn" -type "string" "ACES 1.0 SDR-video";
setAttr ".dn" -type "string" "sRGB";
setAttr ".wsn" -type "string" "ACEScg";
setAttr ".ovt" no;
setAttr ".povt" no;
setAttr ".otn" -type "string" "ACES 1.0 SDR-video (sRGB)";
setAttr ".potn" -type "string" "ACES 1.0 SDR-video (sRGB)";
select -ne :hardwareRenderGlobals;
setAttr ".ctrs" 256;
setAttr ".btrs" 512;
connectAttr "aiMultiply1.outr" "RGB_multi_setup.input1r";
connectAttr "aiMultiply1.outg" "RGB_multi_setup.input2r";
connectAttr "aiMultiply1.outb" "RGB_multi_setup.input3r";
connectAttr "combine_custom_DSP_and_MultiChannel.outr" "XYZ_BasicDisplacementShader.d"
connectAttr "RGB_multi_setup.out" "combine_custom_DSP_and_MultiChannel.input1";
connectAttr "YourCustomDSP.oc" "combine_custom_DSP_and_MultiChannel.input2";
connectAttr ":defaultColorMgtGlobals.cme" "YourCustomDSP.cme";
connectAttr ":defaultColorMgtGlobals.cfe" "YourCustomDSP.cmcf";
connectAttr ":defaultColorMgtGlobals.cfp" "YourCustomDSP.cmcp";
connectAttr ":defaultColorMgtGlobals.wsn" "";
connectAttr "aiSubtract1.out" "aiMultiply1.input1";
connectAttr "XYZ_dispMultiChannel_mid50_lin_srgb.oc" "aiSubtract1.input1";
connectAttr ":defaultColorMgtGlobals.cme" "XYZ_dispMultiChannel_mid50_lin_srgb.cme"
connectAttr ":defaultColorMgtGlobals.cfe" "XYZ_dispMultiChannel_mid50_lin_srgb.cmcf"
connectAttr ":defaultColorMgtGlobals.cfp" "XYZ_dispMultiChannel_mid50_lin_srgb.cmcp"
connectAttr ":defaultColorMgtGlobals.wsn" ""
connectAttr "XYZ_BasicDisplacementShader.msg" ":defaultShaderList1.s" -na;
connectAttr "aiSubtract1.msg" ":defaultRenderUtilityList1.u" -na;
connectAttr "aiMultiply1.msg" ":defaultRenderUtilityList1.u" -na;
connectAttr "RGB_multi_setup.msg" ":defaultRenderUtilityList1.u" -na;
connectAttr "combine_custom_DSP_and_MultiChannel.msg" ":defaultRenderUtilityList1.u"
connectAttr "XYZ_dispMultiChannel_mid50_lin_srgb.msg" ":defaultTextureList1.tx"
connectAttr "YourCustomDSP.msg" ":defaultTextureList1.tx" -na;
connectAttr "XYZ_BasicDisplacementShader.d" "";
connectAttr "XYZ_BasicDisplacementShader.d" ":internal_standInShader.ig";
connectAttr "XYZ_BasicDisplacementShader.d" ":internal_standInShader.ib";
// End of
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