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Created March 9, 2021 04:29
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Restarting Puma and Delayed Job Workers
echo "Restarting Background Workers"
cd /srv/www/$project/current/
RAILS_ENV=uat bin/delayed_job restart -n 5
ps aux | grep 'delayed_job'
DATETODAY=`date '+%Y%m%d'`
FROM_EMAIL="[email protected]"
TO_EMAIL="[email protected]"
Subject="`hostname` - Start Puma @ $DATETODAY "
SucEmailBody="Puma is started."
FailEmailBody="Puma is not started. please check the log."
echo "`date`: Starting puma..."
sleep 10
cd $currentpath
bundle exec puma -C /srv/www/$project/shared/puma.rb --daemon
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "`date '+%c'`: Puma is started. "
#sendemail -f $FROM_EMAIL -t $TO_EMAIL -u $Subject -m $SucEmailBody -s $MAIL_SVR:25
echo "`date '+%c'`: Puma is not started. "
#sendemail -f $FROM_EMAIL -t $TO_EMAIL -u $Subject -m $FailEmailBody -s $MAIL_SVR:25 -a /tmp/start_puma.log
echo "`date`: End"
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