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using System; | |
using System.Collections.Generic; | |
using System.Linq; | |
using UnityEngine; | |
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering; | |
using UnityEngine.Rendering; | |
using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal; | |
//Highlighter tool is just an external static class which stores collections for consumption by the scriptable renderer passes. | |
//It is not included due to it being a bad implementation, you should implement some decent way of deciding what is rendered to the highlight | |
public class JumpFloodOutlineRenderFeature : ScriptableRendererFeature | |
{ | |
[ColorUsage(true, true)] public Color OutlineColor = Color.white; | |
[Range(0.0f, 1000.0f)] public float OutlinePixelWidth = 4f; | |
public bool UseSeparableAxisMethod = true; | |
public RenderPassEvent PassEvent = RenderPassEvent.AfterRenderingTransparents; | |
public string[] SpecialShaderNames; | |
public override void AddRenderPasses(ScriptableRenderer renderer, ref RenderingData renderingData) | |
{ | |
HighlighterTool.SpecialShaderNames = SpecialShaderNames; | |
if (HighlighterTool.DefaultPPKey.Color != OutlineColor) HighlighterTool.UpdateDefaultColor(OutlineColor); | |
var values = HighlighterTool.GetSortedPairs(); | |
foreach (var pp in values) | |
{ | |
if (pp.Renderers.Count == 0) continue; | |
pp.OutlinePass.OutlinePixelWidth = OutlinePixelWidth; | |
pp.OutlinePass.UseSeparableAxisMethod = UseSeparableAxisMethod; | |
pp.FillPass.renderPassEvent = pp.OutlinePass.renderPassEvent = PassEvent; | |
renderer.EnqueuePass(pp.FillPass); | |
renderer.EnqueuePass(pp.OutlinePass); | |
} | |
} | |
public override void Create() | |
{ | |
HighlighterTool.Create(OutlineColor); | |
} | |
} | |
public class JFOBufferFillPass : ScriptableRenderPass | |
{ | |
public HighlighterState PassKey; | |
readonly int _meshOcculsionID = Shader.PropertyToID("_MeshOcculsion"); | |
public override void Configure(CommandBuffer cb, RenderTextureDescriptor cameraTextureDescriptor) | |
{ | |
base.Configure(cb, cameraTextureDescriptor); | |
// match current quality settings' MSAA settings | |
// doesn't check if current camera has MSAA enabled | |
// also could just always do MSAA if you so pleased | |
var msaa = Mathf.Max(1, QualitySettings.antiAliasing); | |
var rtd = new RenderTextureDescriptor() | |
{ | |
dimension = TextureDimension.Tex2D, | |
colorFormat = RenderTextureFormat.R8, | |
width = cameraTextureDescriptor.width, | |
height = cameraTextureDescriptor.height, | |
msaaSamples = msaa, | |
depthBufferBits = 0, | |
sRGB = false, | |
useMipMap = false, | |
autoGenerateMips = false | |
}; | |
cb.GetTemporaryRT(_meshOcculsionID, rtd, FilterMode.Point); | |
ConfigureTarget(_meshOcculsionID); | |
ConfigureClear(ClearFlag.All, Color.clear); | |
} | |
public override void Execute(ScriptableRenderContext context, ref RenderingData renderingData) | |
{ | |
//if (!Application.isFocused) return; | |
var cb = CommandBufferPool.Get("JFOutline FillPass"); | |
var cullingMask = renderingData.cameraData.camera.cullingMask; | |
//HighlighterTool.DrawRenderers(cb, SHADER_PASS_SILHOUETTE_BUFFER_FILL, PassKey, cullingMask); | |
//cb.DrawRenderer over all renderers you want outlined | |
cb.SetGlobalTexture(_meshOcculsionID, _meshOcculsionID); | |
context.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cb); | |
CommandBufferPool.Release(cb); | |
} | |
public override void FrameCleanup(CommandBuffer cb) | |
{ | |
cb.ReleaseTemporaryRT(_meshOcculsionID); | |
base.FrameCleanup(cb); | |
} | |
} | |
public class JumpFloodOutlinePass : ScriptableRenderPass | |
{ | |
const int SHADER_PASS_JFA_INIT = 2; | |
const int SHADER_PASS_JFA_FLOOD = 3; | |
const int SHADER_PASS_JFA_OUTLINE = 5; | |
const int SHADER_PASS_BLIT = 7; | |
public float OutlinePixelWidth; | |
public bool UseSeparableAxisMethod; | |
public HighlighterState PassKey; | |
RenderTargetIdentifier _target; | |
readonly int _meshOcculsionID = Shader.PropertyToID("_MeshOcculsion"); | |
readonly int _silhouetteBufferID = Shader.PropertyToID("_SilhouetteBuffer"); | |
readonly int _nearestPointID = Shader.PropertyToID("_NearestPoint"); | |
readonly int _nearestPointPingPongID = Shader.PropertyToID("_NearestPointPingPong"); | |
readonly int _outlineColorID = Shader.PropertyToID("_OutlineColor"); | |
readonly int _mousePositionID = Shader.PropertyToID("_MousePosition"); | |
readonly int _outlineWidthID = Shader.PropertyToID("_OutlineWidth"); | |
readonly int _stepWidthID = Shader.PropertyToID("_StepWidth"); | |
readonly int _axisWidthID = Shader.PropertyToID("_AxisWidth"); | |
public override void OnCameraSetup(CommandBuffer cmd, ref RenderingData renderingData) | |
{ | |
base.OnCameraSetup(cmd, ref renderingData); | |
_target = renderingData.cameraData.renderer.cameraColorTarget; | |
} | |
public override void Configure(CommandBuffer cb, RenderTextureDescriptor cameraTextureDescriptor) | |
{ | |
base.Configure(cb, cameraTextureDescriptor); | |
// match current quality settings' MSAA settings | |
// doesn't check if current camera has MSAA enabled | |
// also could just always do MSAA if you so pleased | |
var msaa = Mathf.Max(1, QualitySettings.antiAliasing); | |
var silhouetteRTD = new RenderTextureDescriptor() | |
{ | |
dimension = TextureDimension.Tex2D, | |
graphicsFormat = GraphicsFormat.R8_UNorm, | |
width = cameraTextureDescriptor.width, | |
height = cameraTextureDescriptor.height, | |
msaaSamples = msaa, | |
depthBufferBits = 0, | |
sRGB = false, | |
useMipMap = false, | |
autoGenerateMips = false | |
}; | |
cb.GetTemporaryRT(_silhouetteBufferID, silhouetteRTD, FilterMode.Point); | |
// setup descriptor for jump flood render textures | |
var jfaRTD = silhouetteRTD; | |
jfaRTD.msaaSamples = 1; | |
jfaRTD.graphicsFormat = GraphicsFormat.R16G16_SNorm; | |
// create jump flood buffers to ping pong between | |
cb.GetTemporaryRT(_nearestPointID, jfaRTD, FilterMode.Point); | |
cb.GetTemporaryRT(_nearestPointPingPongID, jfaRTD, FilterMode.Point); | |
ConfigureTarget(_silhouetteBufferID); | |
ConfigureClear(ClearFlag.All, Color.clear); | |
} | |
public override void Execute(ScriptableRenderContext context, ref RenderingData renderingData) | |
{ | |
//if (!Application.isFocused) return; | |
var mouseViewPortPos = renderingData.cameraData.camera.ScreenToViewportPoint(Input.mousePosition); | |
var cb = CommandBufferPool.Get("JumpFloorOutlinePass"); | |
CreateCommandBuffer(cb, mouseViewPortPos); | |
context.ExecuteCommandBuffer(cb); | |
CommandBufferPool.Release(cb); | |
} | |
private void CreateCommandBuffer(CommandBuffer cb, Vector4 mouseViewPortPos) | |
{ | |
//Mesh occlusion buffer contains silhouette already so we dont want to rerender them | |
cb.Blit(_meshOcculsionID, _silhouetteBufferID, HighlighterTool.OutlineMat, SHADER_PASS_BLIT); | |
// Humus3D wire trick, keep line 1 pixel wide and fade alpha instead of making line smaller | |
// slightly nicer looking and no more expensive | |
var adjustedOutlineColor = PassKey.Color; | |
adjustedOutlineColor.a *= Mathf.Clamp01(OutlinePixelWidth); | |
cb.SetGlobalColor(_outlineColorID, adjustedOutlineColor.linear); | |
cb.SetGlobalFloat(_outlineWidthID, Mathf.Max(1f, OutlinePixelWidth)); | |
cb.SetGlobalVector(_mousePositionID, mouseViewPortPos); | |
// calculate the number of jump flood passes needed for the current outline width | |
// + 1.0f to handle half pixel inset of the init pass and antialiasing | |
var numMips = Mathf.CeilToInt(Mathf.Log(OutlinePixelWidth + 1.0f, 2f)); | |
var jfaIter = numMips - 1; | |
// Alan Wolfe's separable axis JFA - https://www.shadertoy.com/view/Mdy3D3 | |
if (UseSeparableAxisMethod) | |
{ | |
// jfa init | |
cb.Blit(_silhouetteBufferID, _nearestPointID, HighlighterTool.OutlineMat, SHADER_PASS_JFA_INIT); | |
// jfa flood passes | |
for (var i = jfaIter; i >= 0; i--) | |
{ | |
// calculate appropriate jump width for each iteration | |
// + 0.5 is just me being cautious to avoid any floating point math rounding errors | |
var stepWidth = Mathf.Pow(2, i) + 0.5f; | |
// the two separable passes, one axis at a time | |
cb.SetGlobalVector(_axisWidthID, new Vector2(stepWidth, 0f)); | |
cb.Blit(_nearestPointID, _nearestPointPingPongID, HighlighterTool.OutlineMat, SHADER_PASS_JFA_FLOOD_SINGLE_AXIS); | |
cb.SetGlobalVector(_axisWidthID, new Vector2(0f, stepWidth)); | |
cb.Blit(_nearestPointPingPongID, _nearestPointID, HighlighterTool.OutlineMat, SHADER_PASS_JFA_FLOOD_SINGLE_AXIS); | |
} | |
} | |
else // traditional JFA | |
{ | |
// choose a starting buffer so we always finish on the same buffer | |
var startBufferID = ( jfaIter % 2 == 0 ) ? _nearestPointPingPongID : _nearestPointID; | |
// jfa init | |
cb.Blit(_silhouetteBufferID, startBufferID, HighlighterTool.OutlineMat, SHADER_PASS_JFA_INIT); | |
// jfa flood passes | |
for (var i = jfaIter; i >= 0; i--) | |
{ | |
// calculate appropriate jump width for each iteration | |
// + 0.5 is just me being cautious to avoid any floating point math rounding errors | |
cb.SetGlobalFloat(_stepWidthID, Mathf.Pow(2, i) + 0.5f); | |
// ping pong between buffers | |
if (i % 2 == 1) | |
cb.Blit(_nearestPointID, _nearestPointPingPongID, HighlighterTool.OutlineMat, SHADER_PASS_JFA_FLOOD); | |
else | |
cb.Blit(_nearestPointPingPongID, _nearestPointID, HighlighterTool.OutlineMat, SHADER_PASS_JFA_FLOOD); | |
} | |
} | |
// jfa decode & outline render | |
cb.Blit(_nearestPointID, _target, HighlighterTool.OutlineMat, PassKey.KeepInnerArea ? SHADER_PASS_JFA_OUTLINEKEEPINNER : SHADER_PASS_JFA_OUTLINE); | |
} | |
public override void FrameCleanup(CommandBuffer cb) | |
{ | |
cb.ReleaseTemporaryRT(_silhouetteBufferID); | |
cb.ReleaseTemporaryRT(_nearestPointID); | |
cb.ReleaseTemporaryRT(_nearestPointPingPongID); | |
base.FrameCleanup(cb); | |
} | |
} |
Hi thanks for your great sample!
I wanted to try out your sample shader in my URP project but I couldn't figure out how to implement the HighlighterTool
If I just want to try out the traditional JFA, should I just use only the JumpFloodOutlinePass
You need the Feature and the Pass. You can see that the pass draws by using commandBuffer.DrawRenderer, so all the highlighter tool stuff is just a static class that returns an object that holds a reference to both the passes required and the list of renderers the passes are going to draw. I can't really explain further how to implement the handling of this as it's entirely dependant on your project's code and what you require from the highlight. I'll answer any questions you have though!
This comment at the top explains this:
//Highlighter tool is just an external static class that stores collections for consumption by the scriptable renderer passes.
//It is not included due to it being a bad implementation, you should implement some decent way of deciding what is rendered to the highlight
JFOBufferFillPass just draws pixels in a buffer that are going to be used in JumpFloodOutlinePass, this is separated as it's required to have a buffer that contains the initial silloutette so it can be clipped etc.
Thank you so much!!
I'll give it a try! 💪
Hi! Thanks for this translation to URP!
I've almost got it working. Is it possible that the shader is missing some of the passes?
There are only 6 passes (0 to 5) defined in the shader, but the code is using pass 6 and 7:
const int SHADER_PASS_BLIT = 7;
I'm getting this error: Invalid pass number (7) for Graphics.Blit (Material "(Unknown material)" with 6 passes)
Could you remove it to avoid confusing people? This is not the complete solution, even if you put static properties into it.
What are those SpecialShaderNames? What HighlighterTool does with it?
I don't care about your HighlighterTool. Code needs to be plug and play. What is your purpose of wasting everybodies time. Why do you promote your code on orginal thread
Rough URP version of https://bgolus.medium.com/the-quest-for-very-wide-outlines-ba82ed442cd9