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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Diagnostics;
using MonoTouch.Foundation;
using MonoTouch.UIKit;
namespace Praeclarum.UI
[Register ("ObservableTableView")]
public class ObservableTableView : UITableView
public UITableViewRowAnimation AddAnimation { get; set; }
public UITableViewRowAnimation DeleteAnimation { get; set; }
object dataSource;
IList list;
INotifyCollectionChanged notifier;
System.Threading.Thread mainThread;
bool loadedView = false;
public string CellIdentifier = "C";
public bool UnEvenRows{get;set;}
public object DataSource {
get {
return dataSource;
set {
if (dataSource == value)
if (notifier != null) {
notifier.CollectionChanged -= HandleCollectionChanged;
dataSource = value;
list = value as IList;
notifier = value as INotifyCollectionChanged;
if (notifier != null) {
notifier.CollectionChanged += HandleCollectionChanged;
if (loadedView) {
this.ReloadData ();
public ObservableTableView ()
: this (UITableViewStyle.Plain)
Initialize ();
public ObservableTableView (UITableViewStyle withStyle)
: base (RectangleF.Empty,withStyle)
Initialize ();
void Initialize ()
mainThread = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread;
AddAnimation = UITableViewRowAnimation.Automatic;
DeleteAnimation = UITableViewRowAnimation.Automatic;
Source = CreateSource ();
loadedView = true;
protected virtual ObservableTableSource CreateSource ()
return new ObservableTableSource (this);
protected virtual UITableViewCell CreateCell (string reuseId)
return new UITableViewCell (UITableViewCellStyle.Default, reuseId);
protected virtual UIView CreateHeader ()
return null;
protected virtual void BindCell (UITableViewCell cell, object item, NSIndexPath indexPath)
cell.TextLabel.Text = item.ToString ();
protected virtual void OnRowSelected (object item, NSIndexPath indexPath)
protected virtual UITableViewCellEditingStyle EditingStyleForRow (NSIndexPath indexPath)
return UITableViewCellEditingStyle.Delete;
void HandleCollectionChanged (object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (!loadedView)
NSAction act = () => {
if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset) {
this.ReloadData ();
if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add) {
var count = e.NewItems.Count;
var paths = new NSIndexPath[count];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
paths [i] = NSIndexPath.FromRowSection (e.NewStartingIndex + i, 0);
this.InsertRows (paths, AddAnimation);
} else if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove) {
var count = e.OldItems.Count;
var paths = new NSIndexPath[count];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
paths [i] = NSIndexPath.FromRowSection (e.OldStartingIndex + i, 0);
this.DeleteRows (paths, DeleteAnimation);
var isMainThread = System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread == mainThread;
if (isMainThread) {
act ();
} else {
NSOperationQueue.MainQueue.AddOperation (act);
NSOperationQueue.MainQueue.WaitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished ();
protected class ObservableTableSource : UITableViewSource
readonly ObservableTableView controller;
public ObservableTableSource (ObservableTableView controller)
this.controller = controller;
public override void RowSelected (UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
var item = controller.list != null ? controller.list [indexPath.Row] : null;
try {
controller.OnRowSelected (item, indexPath);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Debug.WriteLine (ex);
public override int NumberOfSections (UITableView tableView)
return 1;
public override int RowsInSection (UITableView tableview, int section)
var coll = controller.list;
return coll != null ? coll.Count : 0;
public override UITableViewCell GetCell (UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
var cell = tableView.DequeueReusableCell (controller.CellIdentifier) ??
controller.CreateCell (controller.CellIdentifier);
try {
var coll = controller.list;
if (coll != null) {
var obj = coll[indexPath.Row];
controller.BindCell (cell, obj, indexPath);
return cell;
catch (Exception ex) {
Debug.WriteLine (ex);
return cell;
public override UITableViewCellEditingStyle EditingStyleForRow (UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath)
return controller.EditingStyleForRow(indexPath);
catch(Exception ex) {
Debug.WriteLine (ex);
return UITableViewCellEditingStyle.Delete;
public override void CommitEditingStyle (UITableView tableView, UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle, NSIndexPath indexPath)
controller.list.RemoveAt (indexPath.Row);
public override bool RespondsToSelector (MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Selector sel)
if (sel.Name == "tableView:viewForHeaderInSection:") {
return controller.CreateHeader() != null;
return base.RespondsToSelector (sel);
public override UIView GetViewForHeader (UITableView tableView, int section)
return controller.CreateHeader ();
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