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Created July 13, 2010 23:56
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Save Clancey/474771 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
public class ScrollViewWithHeader : UIView
private UIView _content;
private UIScrollView _header;
private UIView _headerContent;
private MyScrollViewDelegate _headerDelegate;
private RectangleF _headerFrame;
private UIScrollView _mainContent;
private MyScrollViewDelegate _mainContentDelegate;
private MyScrollViewDelegate _rHeaderDelegate;
private RectangleF _rHeaderFrame;
private UIScrollView _rowHeader;
private UIView _rowHeaderContent;
private bool isZooming;
public ScrollViewWithHeader(RectangleF rect, UIView header, UIView content, bool enableZoom) : base(rect)
SetupController(rect, header, null, content, enableZoom);
public ScrollViewWithHeader(RectangleF rect, UIView header, UIView rowHeader, UIView content, bool enableZoom)
: base(rect)
SetupController(rect, header, rowHeader, content, enableZoom);
public bool isMoving()
if (_mainContent.Zooming)
return true;
return false;
public void ScrollContents(RectangleF visibleRect, bool animate)
_mainContent.ScrollRectToVisible(visibleRect, animate);
public void SetupController(RectangleF rect, UIView header, UIView rowHeader, UIView content, bool enableZoom)
_content = content;
_headerContent = header;
_rowHeaderContent = rowHeader;
_headerDelegate = new MyScrollViewDelegate();
_headerDelegate.theView = _headerContent;
_rHeaderDelegate = new MyScrollViewDelegate();
if (rowHeader != null)
_rHeaderDelegate.theView = _rowHeaderContent;
_mainContentDelegate = new MyScrollViewDelegate();
_mainContentDelegate.theView = _content;
float minZoom = .4f;
float maxZoom = 1.3f;
SizeF hSize = header.Frame.Size;
SizeF cSize = content.Frame.Size;
SizeF rSize;
if (rowHeader != null)
rSize = rowHeader.Frame.Size;
rSize = new SizeF(0, 0);
//Set the content width to match the top header width
if (hSize.Width > cSize.Width)
cSize.Width = hSize.Width;
hSize.Width = cSize.Width;
// Set the content height to match the
if (rSize.Height > cSize.Height)
cSize.Height = rSize.Height;
rSize.Height = cSize.Height;
// Create the viewable size based off of the current frame;
var hRect = new RectangleF(rSize.Width, 0, rect.Width - rSize.Width, hSize.Height);
var cRect = new RectangleF(rSize.Width, hSize.Height, rect.Width - rSize.Width, rect.Height - hSize.Height);
var rRect = new RectangleF(0, hSize.Height, rSize.Width, rect.Height - hSize.Height);
_headerFrame = hRect;
_rHeaderFrame = rRect;
_header = new UIScrollView(hRect);
_header.ContentSize = hSize;
_header.Bounces = false;
// Hide scroll bars on the headers
_header.ShowsVerticalScrollIndicator = false;
_header.ShowsHorizontalScrollIndicator = false;
if (enableZoom)
// Sets the zoom level
_header.MaximumZoomScale = maxZoom;
_header.MinimumZoomScale = minZoom;
// create a delegate to return the zoom image.
//_header.ViewForZoomingInScrollView += delegate {return _headerContent;};
_headerDelegate.Scrolling += delegate
if (!_mainContent.Zooming && !isZooming)
_header.Delegate = _headerDelegate;
_mainContent = new UIScrollView(cRect);
_mainContent.ContentSize = cSize;
_mainContent.Bounces = false;
if (enableZoom)
_mainContent.MaximumZoomScale = maxZoom;
_mainContent.MinimumZoomScale = minZoom;
_mainContent.BouncesZoom = false;
// create a delegate to return the zoom image.
//_mainContent.ViewForZoomingInScrollView += delegate {return _content;};
_mainContentDelegate.ZoomStarted += delegate
//Tell the class you are zooming
isZooming = true;
_mainContentDelegate.ZoomEnded += delegate
isZooming = false;
// Rescroll the content to make sure it lines up with the header
_mainContentDelegate.Scrolling += delegate
//Rescroll the content to make sure it lines up with the header
if (!_mainContent.Zooming && !isZooming)
_mainContent.Delegate = _mainContentDelegate;
_rowHeader = new UIScrollView(rRect);
_rowHeader.ContentSize = rSize;
_rowHeader.Bounces = false;
if (enableZoom)
_rowHeader.MaximumZoomScale = maxZoom;
_rowHeader.MinimumZoomScale = minZoom;
//if (rowHeader != null)
//_rowHeader.ViewForZoomingInScrollView += delegate {return _rowHeaderContent;};
// Hide scroll bars on the headers
_rowHeader.ShowsVerticalScrollIndicator = false;
_rowHeader.ShowsHorizontalScrollIndicator = false;
if (rowHeader != null)
_rHeaderDelegate.Scrolling += delegate
if (!_mainContent.Zooming && !isZooming)
_rowHeader.Delegate = _rHeaderDelegate;
// Sets the content scroll to match the headers
private void scrollContent()
PointF hOffSet = _header.ContentOffset;
PointF cOffSet = _mainContent.ContentOffset;
var rOffSet = new PointF(0, cOffSet.Y);
if (_rowHeader != null)
rOffSet = _rowHeader.ContentOffset;
if (cOffSet.X != hOffSet.X || rOffSet.Y != cOffSet.Y)
RectangleF cFrame = _mainContent.Frame;
cFrame.X = hOffSet.X;
cFrame.Y = rOffSet.Y;
_mainContent.ScrollRectToVisible(cFrame, false);
// Lines the headers up with the content
private void scrollHeader()
PointF hOffSet = _header.ContentOffset;
PointF cOffSet = _mainContent.ContentOffset;
var rOffSet = new PointF(0, cOffSet.Y);
if (_rowHeader != null)
rOffSet = _rowHeader.ContentOffset;
if (cOffSet.X != hOffSet.X)
RectangleF hFrame = _header.Frame;
hFrame.X = cOffSet.X;
hFrame.Y = hOffSet.Y;
_header.ScrollRectToVisible(hFrame, false);
if (rOffSet.Y != cOffSet.Y)
RectangleF rFrame = _rowHeader.Frame;
rFrame.X = rFrame.X;
rFrame.Y = cOffSet.Y;
_rowHeader.ScrollRectToVisible(rFrame, false);
// Sets the zoom level of the headers so they match the content
private void ZoomHeader()
float scale = _mainContent.ZoomScale;
if (scale != _header.ZoomScale)
RectangleF headerFrame = _header.Frame;
headerFrame.Height = _headerFrame.Height*scale;
RectangleF rHeaderFrame = _rowHeader.Frame;
rHeaderFrame.Width = _rHeaderFrame.Width*scale;
// Resize the frame to match the correct height
headerFrame.X = rHeaderFrame.Width;
headerFrame.Width = Frame.Width - rHeaderFrame.Width;
_header.Frame = headerFrame;
_header.SetZoomScale(scale, false);
// resize the frame to match the corect width
rHeaderFrame.Y = headerFrame.Height;
rHeaderFrame.Height = Frame.Height - headerFrame.Height;
_rowHeader.Frame = rHeaderFrame;
_rowHeader.SetZoomScale(scale, false);
// resize the content to take the left over area
RectangleF mainFrame = _mainContent.Frame;
mainFrame.Height = rHeaderFrame.Height;
mainFrame.Width = headerFrame.Width;
mainFrame.X = rHeaderFrame.Width;
mainFrame.Y = headerFrame.Height;
_mainContent.Frame = mainFrame;
Console.WriteLine("skipped zooming");
#region Nested type: MyScrollViewDelegate
private partial class MyScrollViewDelegate : UIScrollViewDelegate
public UIView theView { get; set; }
public NSAction Scrolling { get; set; }
public NSAction ZoomStarted { get; set; }
public NSAction ZoomEnded { get; set; }
public override void Scrolled(UIScrollView scrollView)
if (Scrolling != null)
public override void ZoomingStarted(UIScrollView scrollView, UIView view)
if (ZoomStarted != null)
public override void ZoomingEnded(UIScrollView scrollView, UIView withView, float atScale)
if (ZoomEnded != null)
public override UIView ViewForZoomingInScrollView(UIScrollView scrollView)
return theView;
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