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Last active August 17, 2024 12:28
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Flatten State Machine
fn flatten1(t: BinaryTree) -> Vec<i32> {
match t {
BinaryTree::Leaf(leaf) => Vec::from([leaf]), /* ret */
BinaryTree::Branch((l, r)) => {
let mut left /* ret */ = flatten1(*l); //<- rec remember!(r)
let right/* ret */ = flatten1(*r); //<- rec remember!(left)
left /* ret */
fn flatten_cps(t: BinaryTree, return_: Box<dyn FnOnce(Vec<i32>) -> Vec<i32>>) -> Vec<i32> {
match t {
BinaryTree::Leaf(leaf) => return_(Vec::from([leaf])),
BinaryTree::Branch((l, r)) => flatten_cps(*l, Box::new(|mut left| {
flatten_cps(*r, Box::new(|right| {
left.extend(right); return_(left)
pub fn flatten2_(t : BinaryTree)-> Vec<i32> {
struct Rec<T>(fn(BinaryTree, Cont)->(Self, T));
enum F {
Rec((fn(BinaryTree, Cont)->F, BinaryTree, Cont)),
Ret((fn(Vec<i32>, Cont)->F, Vec<i32>, Cont))
fn flatten_rec(tree : BinaryTree, then :Cont)->F{
match tree {
BinaryTree::Leaf(leaf) => F::Ret((flatten_ret, Vec::from([leaf]), then)),
BinaryTree::Branch(l,r) => F::Rec((flatten_rec, *l, Cont::DoRight { right: *r, then: Box::new(then) })),
fn flatten_ret( ret : Vec<i32>, then : Cont)->F{
match then {
Cont::DoRight { right, then } => F::Rec((flatten_rec,right, Cont::Combine { left: ret, then:then })),
Cont::Combine { mut left, then } => {
F::Ret((flatten_ret, left, *then))},
Cont::Done => F::Ret((flatten_ret, ret, Cont::Done)),
let mut state = F::Rec((flatten_rec, t, Cont::Done));
loop {
state = match state {
F::Rec((f,t,c)) => f(t,c),
F::Ret((_,v,Cont::Done)) => return v,
F::Ret((f,v,c)) => f(v,c),
pub fn flatten2(t : BinaryTree)-> Vec<i32> {
fn flatten_rec(tree : BinaryTree, then :Cont)->Vec<i32>{
match tree {
BinaryTree::Leaf(leaf) => flatten_ret( Vec::from([leaf]), then),
BinaryTree::Branch((l,r)) => flatten_rec(*l, Cont::DoRight { right: *r, then: Box::new(then) }),
fn flatten_ret( ret : Vec<i32>, then : Cont)->Vec<i32>{
match then {
Cont::DoRight { right, then } => flatten_rec(right, Cont::Combine { left: ret, then:then }),
Cont::Combine { mut left, then } => {
flatten_ret( left, *then)},
Cont::Done => ret,
flatten_rec(t, Cont::Done)
pub enum Cont {
DoRight{ right : BinaryTree, then : Box<Cont>},
Combine{ left : Vec<i32>, then : Box<Cont>},
enum FlattenState {
Rec((BinaryTree, Cont)),
Ret((Vec<i32>, Cont)),
impl FlattenState {
pub fn init(tree : BinaryTree)->Self {
FlattenState::Rec((tree, Cont::Done))
pub fn advance(self)->std::ops::ControlFlow<Vec<i32>,Self> {
std::ops::ControlFlow::Continue(match self {
FlattenState::Rec((tree, then)) =>
match tree {
BinaryTree::Leaf(leaf) => FlattenState::Ret((Vec::from([leaf]), then)),
BinaryTree::Branch(l,r) => FlattenState::Rec((*l, Cont::DoRight { right: *r, then: Box::new(then) })),
FlattenState::Ret((ret, then_)) =>
match then_ {
Cont::DoRight { right, then } => FlattenState::Rec((right, Cont::Combine { left: ret, then:then })),
Cont::Combine { mut left, then } => { left.extend(ret); FlattenState::Ret(( left, *then))},
Cont::Done => return std::ops::ControlFlow::Break(ret),
fn main() {
let tree = b(b(l(1), l(2)), b(b(l(3), l(4)), l(5)));
let mut state_machine = FlattenState::init(tree);
let ret = loop {
match &state_machine {
FlattenState::Rec((t,c)) => println!("RECURSE\ttree : {t:?}\n\tthen : {c:?}"),
FlattenState::Ret((r,c)) => println!("RETURN\tret : {r:?}\n\tthen : {c:?}"),
// trace step by step
let _ =std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut String::new());
state_machine = match state_machine.advance() {
std::ops::ControlFlow::Continue(new_state) => new_state,
std::ops::ControlFlow::Break(ret) => break ret,
println!("\nreturn : {ret:?}");
pub enum BinaryTree {
Branch(Box<BinaryTree>, Box<BinaryTree>),
fn l(i: i32) -> BinaryTree {
fn b(l: BinaryTree, r: BinaryTree) -> BinaryTree {
BinaryTree::Branch(Box::new(l), Box::new(r))
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