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Last active February 16, 2025 18:48
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  • Save ClassicOldSong/0a088d2a92a06f86e48fe328b67ec995 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ClassicOldSong/0a088d2a92a06f86e48fe328b67ec995 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Auto Pause/Resume script for providing console grade experience with Apollo
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force
DetectHiddenWindows true
; Globals to manage the suspend/resume state
global IsProcessSuspended := false
global IsProcessResumed := false
LockFile := A_Temp "\AutoPauseResume.lock"
; Ensure we clean up on script exit:
; Check if the lock file exists before deleting it
if FileExist(LockFile)
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; 1) Define excluded processes as a map (key-value)
; - The key is the process name in lowercase, mapped to `true`.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
excludedProcesses := Map()
excludedProcesses["explorer.exe"] := true
excludedProcesses["csrss.exe"] := true
excludedProcesses["winlogon.exe"] := true
excludedProcesses["svchost.exe"] := true
excludedProcesses["dwm.exe"] := true
excludedProcesses["cmd.exe"] := true
excludedProcesses["chrome.exe"] := true
excludedProcesses["powershell.exe"] := true
excludedProcesses["sublime_text.exe"] := true
excludedProcesses["sublime_merge.exe"] := true
excludedProcesses["steamwebhelper.exe"] := true
excludedProcesses["openconsole.exe"] := true
excludedProcesses["windowsterminal.exe"] := true
excludedProcesses["playnite.desktopapp.exe"] := true
excludedProcesses["playnite.fullscreenapp.exe"] := true
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; 2) Get the active window's PID & Process Name, confirm it's not excluded
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if !WinExist("A")
MsgBox "No active window detected. Please focus a window to suspend."
pid := WinGetPID("A")
if !pid
MsgBox "Failed to get the active window's PID."
processName := WinGetProcessName()
if !processName
MsgBox "Failed to retrieve the active window's process name."
; Convert the process name to lowercase for case-insensitive matching
procLower := StrLower(processName)
; Check if `excludedProcesses` has this process in its keys, and if the value is true
if excludedProcesses.Has(procLower) && excludedProcesses[procLower]
; Excluded process, so do nothing and exit.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; 3) Suspend the process & start checking for the lock file in a timer
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
IsProcessSuspended := true ; Mark that we have indeed suspended a process
; Optional: show a short tooltip or do a quick beep instead of a MsgBox
; MsgBox "Process '" processName "' (PID: " pid ") suspended. Waiting for lock file..."
SetTimer(CheckLockFile, 500) ; check the lock file every 500 ms
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
global LockFile, pid, processName, IsProcessResumed
if FileExist(LockFile)
IsProcessResumed := true
; MsgBox "Process '" processName "' (PID: " pid ") resumed. Exiting."
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, "Int", 0, "UInt", pid, "Ptr")
if !hProc
MsgBox "Failed to open process (PID: " pid ")."
hNtdll := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "Str", "ntdll.dll", "Ptr")
if !hNtdll
MsgBox "Failed to get module handle for ntdll.dll."
NtSuspendProcess := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", hNtdll, "AStr", "NtSuspendProcess", "Ptr")
if !NtSuspendProcess
MsgBox "Failed to locate NtSuspendProcess in ntdll.dll."
DllCall(NtSuspendProcess, "Ptr", hProc)
DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", hProc)
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
hProc := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, "Int", 0, "UInt", pid, "Ptr")
if !hProc
; Process may no longer exist, don't do anything.
; MsgBox "Failed to open process (PID: " pid ")."
hNtdll := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "Str", "ntdll.dll", "Ptr")
if !hNtdll
MsgBox "Failed to get module handle for ntdll.dll."
NtResumeProcess := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", hNtdll, "AStr", "NtResumeProcess", "Ptr")
if !NtResumeProcess
MsgBox "Failed to locate NtResumeProcess in ntdll.dll."
DllCall(NtResumeProcess, "Ptr", hProc)
DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", hProc)
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Automatically resume the process if the user manually exits the script
; or the script ends unexpectedly.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cleanup(exitReason, exitCode)
global pid, IsProcessSuspended, IsProcessResumed
; If the process was suspended and hasn't been resumed via the lock file,
; auto-resume it here.
if IsProcessSuspended && !IsProcessResumed
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force
LockFile := A_Temp "\AutoPauseResume.lock"
; Simply create the lock file and exit
FileAppend("", LockFile)
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Well usually you don’t put the game start command in detached command, but directly in command. So when the game quits, the stream will terminate automatically.

Envvars can be unreliable in some cases that’s why I didn’t use the method.

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Where in global undo i should put the resume,ahk?
Is it for example the detach command for steam big picutre? I got steam big picture frozen when i exit stream.

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zjamnik commented Feb 16, 2025

In Configuration, first tab General, you'll find a section Command Preparations. Add a new one there and only fill out the Undo Command, put the path to the resume script there.

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Or you can add steam.exe to the ignore list.

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