This is how you convert GPX files (or any other file) to fit for the Navilink software / Locosys BGT-31 GPS.
Install GPSBabel then run the following in your terminal:
gpsbabel -i gpx -f your-input-file-name.gpx -o ozi -F your-waypoint-file-name
You can updload your-waypoint-file-name.wpt
to your GPS now.
You need to convert your series o points to a route, for this run the following:
gpsbabel -i gpx -f your-input-file-name.gpx -x transform,rte=wpt -o ozi -F your-route-file-name
You can updload your-route-file-name.rte
to your GPS now.
The track file will generate the "map" that can be seen in the live tracking menu of the GPS. Run the following command:
gpsbabel -i kml -f your-input-file-name.kml -o ozi -F your-track-file-name
You can updload your-track-file-name.plt
to your GPS now.
This is it.