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Last active November 27, 2019 21:11
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  • Save CobaltXII/06546321d459cd813392ca9e35d80bb2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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To do
- [x] Quad tree compression
- [ ] GLSL smallpt
- [ ] CPU smallpt
- [ ] Dithering library
- [ ] All RGB
- [ ] Chip-8 emulator
- [ ] Chip-8 assembler
- [ ] Chip-8 disassembler
- [x] Normal mapping on images
- [ ] Tesseract
- [ ] Lissajous table
- [ ] Navier-Stokes fluid simulation
- [x] Floyd-Steinberg diffusion
- [x] Jarvis, Judice and Ninke diffusion
- [x] Fan diffusion
- [ ] Shiau-Fan diffusion
- [ ] Stucki diffusion
- [ ] Burkes diffusion
- [ ] Sierra diffusion
- [ ] Two-row Sierra diffusion
- [ ] Filter Lite diffusion
- [ ] Atkinson diffusion
- [x] Terminal text extension
- [x] SDL2 audio extension
- [ ] Other error diffusion methods
- [x] Elementary cellular automata
- [x] Two-dimensional cellular automata
- [x] Conway’s Game Of Life
- [x] Brian’s Brain
- [x] Seeds Automata
- [x] Software rasterizer
- [x] Fire automata
- [x] Doom fire effect
- [ ] Maze generator
- [ ] A* pathfinding
- [ ] Plasma effect
- [ ] Perlin noise terrain
- [x] Refracting rays
- [x] Sierpinski triangle
- [x] Untextured ray caster
- [ ] Textured ray caster
- [ ] Verlet integration rag doll physics
- [x] Truetype font rasterizing
- [ ] Quaternion raymarching
- [ ] Newton fractal
- [ ] Complex function visualization
- [ ] Smoothed particle hydrodynamics
- [x] Porting minecraft4k
- [x] Physics sandbox (Verlet)
- [x] Barycentric triangle coordinates
- [ ] Pac-Man simulation
- [x] Dynamic lighting (line of sight)
- [ ] Tetris simulation
- [x] Falling text (Matrix simulation)
- [x] Snake simulation
- [x] Ball/ball collisions and response
- [ ] The Powder Toy
- [x] Burning ship fractal
- [ ] NES emulator
- [ ] MNIST neural network
- [x] Simple XOR neural network
- [ ] Genetic algorithms
- [ ] Ear-clipping triangulation
- [ ] Fireworks particle system
- [ ] Newtonian gravity particle system
- [x] Load models (SGL)
- [x] Projection (SGL)
- [x] Transformation (SGL)
- [x] Culling (SGL)
- [x] Clipping (SGL)
- [x] Lighting (SGL)
- [x] Mandelbrot explorer
- [x] Black/white dithering
- [x] 3-bit color dithering
- [x] N-body simulation
- [ ] Barnes-Hut n-body simulation
- [x] Cloth simulation (Verlet)
- [ ] Procedural texture generation
- [ ] Hilbert curve
- [ ] Turtle graphics engine
- [ ] OpenGL procedural terrain
- [x] Julia set explorer
- [ ] OpenGL model viewer
- [x] GPU acceleration framework
- [x] Raymarching silhouettes
- [x] Raymarching Phong illumination
- [x] Domain repetition and primitive operators (raymarching)
- [ ] OpenCV with OpenGL video processing
- [ ] Ray marched terrain
- [x] GPU accelerated Mandelbrot explorer
- [x] GPU accelerated Julia explorer
- [x] GPU accelerated Burning Ship explorer
- [ ] GPU accelerated Newton explorer
- [ ] Physically correct asteroids
- [ ] Fractal generator (high-precision)
- [x] Affine transformations (identity)
- [x] Affine transformations (rotation)
- [x] Affine transformations (translation)
- [x] Affine transformations (scalar)
- [x] Affine transformations (shear)
- [x] Fractal Brownian motion simulation
- [ ] Phong lighting with normal interpolation
- [ ] Audio processing with stb_vorbis
- [x] Voronoi diagrams
- [ ] Raymarched die
- [ ] Raymarched pawn
- [ ] Cellular noise terrain
- [ ] Voronoi based terrain generation
- [x] Naive metaballs
- [x] Naive Voronoi metaballs
- [x] Naive blended metaballs
- [x] Metaballs with marching squares
- [x] Perlin noise flow field
- [x] Pressure and heat simulations
- [x] Marching squares isolines
- [ ] 15 seconds of RAM on Chip-8
- [x] K-means clustering
- [x] Additive blending
- [ ] RGB 3D visualization
- [x] RGB-HSL and vice versa
- [ ] Grapher
- [ ] Flocking (boids)
- [ ] Image quantization (median-cut)
- [x] Image quantization (k-means)
- [ ] Double-precision GLSL fractals
- [x] Bézier curve
- [x] Refraction (optics)
- [ ] Mode 7 racing
- [x] Spiral raster
- [x] Plot function
- [x] Rope simulation (Verlet)
- [x] Hair simulation (Verlet)
- [ ] Koch snowflake
- [x] Newton’s cradle simulation (Verlet)
- [x] Anti-aliased line rasterization (Xiaolin Wu)
- [x] Anti-aliased thick line rasterization (Xiaolin Wu)
- [ ] Spirograph
- [x] Circle-line intersection
- [x] Fourier series visualization (square)
- [x] Fourier series visualization (saw)
- [x] Discrete Fourier transform
- [x] Fourier transform based epicycles
- [ ] Fast Fourier transform
- [ ] 2D nearest-neighbor interpolation
- [ ] Bilinear interpolation
- [ ] Bicubic interpolation
- [x] Edge detection
- [ ] Catmull-Rom splines
- [ ] Sepia filter
- [ ] Various black/white filters
- [x] Guassian blur
- [x] Box blur
- [x] Image convolution using kernels
- [ ] Function approximation using neural networks
- [ ] Checkers/chess game in OpenGL
- [ ] Rubik’s cube solver and scrambler
- [ ] Rubik’s cube renderer in OpenGL
- [ ] Connect 4 in OpenGL
- [ ] Fast Fourier transform for audio visualization
- [ ] Text editor using Terminal extension
- [ ] Write a programming language
- [ ] Fantasy console
- [ ] Three-address code
- [ ] Math expression evaluator with functions
- [ ] Faux and real NTSC filter
- [ ] Assembly syntax highlighter
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