this is for Tizen 8 Samsung TV. You have other options available if you have an older TV
Install Tizen Studio
Install the following from the Package Manager dialog:
From Main SDK:
8.0 Tizen
From Extension SDK
TV Extensions-8.0
Samsung Certificate Extension
Once the top progress bar hits 100%, close the dialog and launch Tizen Studio.
Go to Tools -> Certificate Manager. Create a certificate as outlined here note down the profile name you entered when creating the certificate. It's "Sample" by default.
Connect to the TV:
- Select the "Apps" panel from home
- Go to the bottom where it has "App Settings"
- Press the "123" button
- enter "12345"
- Toggle the Developer button to On
- Open cmd.exe and run
- enter your IP into the host
- On Tizen Studio, go to Tools -> Device Manager
- On the new window, on top right, there will be 3 icons. Click the "Remote Device Manager" icon (middle icon).
- On the new window, click the + icon, enter the TV IP address. This can be found from the TV's network connection in settings
- You should now be able to see a TV device appear in the Device Manager window in the background. It can take a few seconds for the entry to appear. Once it appears, note down the device name (example - UA55DU8300ULXL)
Download any
you want to install on the TV -
Copy the
replacing it with your new cert profiles -
You can now sign and install apps using the CLI. Open a Powershell as admin. Sign the WGT file
~/tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin/tizen.bat package -t wgt -s <certificate profile name from Step 4> -- <WGT file path>
C:\tizen-studio\tools\ide\bin\tizen.bat package -t wgt -s Sample -- .\TizenBrewStandalone-Old.wgt
Install the signed file:
~/tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin/tizen.bat install -n <WGT file path> -t <device name from Step 5>
C:\tizen-studio\tools\ide\bin\tizen.bat package install -n .\Jellyfin-10.10.z.wgt -t QN55S90DAFXZA
TizenTube is YouTube with SponsorBlock & Ad Block
- Open TizenBrew and go to npm package
- Enter
(I had no way to press enter but it didn't seem needed when I changed screens it already downloaded it)