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Created April 18, 2024 08:15
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Notes on Setting up BTRFS with rollbacks on Arch
# assumes you are using btrfs with the default subvolumes
# assumes you are using grub as your boot loader
# inotify-tools is not needed on all machines
# you can skip and check logs of grub-btrfsd after starting the
# service and it will tell you if inotify-tools is needed
paru -S snapper snap-pac grub-btrfs snapper-rollback inotify-tools
sudo su
cd /
# snapper defaults are weird
# we need to remove the .snapshots folder to create a config
umount .snapshots
rm -r .snapshots
# create a config for root
snapper -c root create-config /
# adding -p because I am not sure if this is needed here but doesn't hurt
mkdir -p .snapshots
# no need to edit /etc/fstab since it should still be in there
# we can just remount it
mount -a
# you can safely remove the .snapshots subvolume
# since there is a subvolume called @.snapshots by default
btrfs sub delete .snapshots
# add "wheels" to group and set schedule
nano /etc/snapper/configs/root
# start your engines
sudo systemctl enable --now grub-btrfsd
sudo systemctl enable --now snapper-timeline.timer
sudo systemctl enable --now snapper-cleanup.timer
# did I mention these things have weird defaults
btrfs sub set-default 256 /
# add a hook to allow changing the read only file system to write when rolling back
# this may not be necessary since there seems to be a hook you could use instead
wget -O /etc/initcpio/install/snap-hook
wget -O /etc/initcpio/hooks/snap-hook
# add "snap-hook" to the hooks
nano /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
mkinitcpio -P
# change "@snapshots" to "@.snapshots"
# uncomment and set your root device id on the last line
nano /etc/snapper-rollback.conf
mount -a
# to help preserve my SSD lifespan there are a few additional things I did
# 1. enabled compression on all btrfs mounts in /etc/fstab with "compress=zstd" (the default level 3 is good)
# 2. I added subvolumes `/var/cache`, `/var/lib/docker`, `/var/lib/flatpak`. Since those folders would bloat up my rollback root snapshots
# I used a script to allow me to create subvolumes for busy folders here:
# Make sure to add the new subvolume to /etc/fstab e.g. ... subvol=/@/var/cache
# 3. edit /usr/lib/systemd/system/snapper-timeline.timer to weekly so less snapshots need to be made
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