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Last active January 2, 2021 11:14
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Algebraic Laws in Prolog
% Introduce reflexive equality
refl(X, X).
% Introduce symmetrical equality
sym(X, Y) :-
refl(X, Y),
refl(Y, X).
% Identity of addition by zero
add_zero(N) :-
N1 is N + 0,
refl(N, N1).
% Identity of multiplication by one
mul_one(N) :-
N1 is N * 1,
refl(N, N1).
% Commutativity of addition
commute_add(N, M) :-
N1 is N + M,
M1 is M + N,
refl(M1, N1).
% Commutativity of multiplication
commute_mul(N, M) :-
N1 is N * M,
M1 is M * N,
refl(N1, M1).
% Associativity of addition
assoc_add(M, N, O) :-
R is M + N + O,
L is N + O + M,
refl(R, L).
% Associativity of multiplication
assoc_mul(M, N, O) :-
R is M * N * O,
L is N * O * M,
refl(R, L).
% Distributive property
distribute(X, Y, Z) :-
LI is Y + Z,
L is X * LI,
R1 is X * Y,
R2 is X * Z,
R is R1 + R2,
refl(R, L).
% Inverse property of addition
inverse_add(X) :-
I is -1 * X,
E is X + I,
refl(E, 0).
% Inverse property of multiplication
inverse_mul(X) :-
X =\= 0,
I is 1 / X,
E is I * X,
refl(E, 1).
% Transitive property
transitive(X, Y, Z) :-
refl(X, Y),
refl(Y, Z),
refl(X, Z).
% Transitivity of addition
transitive_add(X, Y, K) :-
refl(X, Y),
X1 is X + K,
Y1 is Y + K,
refl(X1, Y1).
% Transitivity of multiplication
transitive_mul(X, Y, K) :-
refl(X, Y),
X1 is X * K,
Y1 is Y * K,
refl(X1, Y1).
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