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Last active June 9, 2024 18:52
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Check multiple URLs from file using bash
# URL Status Checker
# This script reads a file containing URLs (one per line) and checks their HTTP status codes.
# The results are written to a temporary file located in the ~/tmp directory.
# It utilizes curl to perform HTTP HEAD requests and captures the status codes.
# Takes the first argument as the file containing URLs (line-by-line)
# The filepath for the temporary results file
RESULTS_FILE=$(mktemp ~/tmp/results.XXXXXXXXXX)
# Check if a file containing URLs is provided
if [[ -z ${URLS_FILE} ]] ; then
echo "Please provide a file with URLs (one per line)!"
# Check if the provided URLs file exists and is readable
if [[ ! -r ${URLS_FILE} ]] ; then
echo "The file \"${URLS_FILE}\" does not exist or is not readable!"
# Apply dos2unix to clean line breaks in the URLs file
dos2unix --keepdate --quiet ${URLS_FILE}
# Iterate over each URL in the file
while read url
# Perform an HTTP HEAD request to get the status code
urlstatus=$(curl -o /dev/null --silent --head --write-out '%{http_code}' "${url}")
# Use tabulator as delimiter for readability
echo -e "$url\t$urlstatus" >> ${RESULTS_FILE}
done < $URLS_FILE
echo "Results written to ${RESULTS_FILE}"
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CodeAlDente commented Dec 22, 2021

Before you use the script, you should apply permission to execute the file.

chmod +x check-urls-from-file.bash

Check URLs from file

bash check-urls-from-file.bash urls.txt

Work with results

returns only URLs

cat ~/tmp/123456789 | cut -d$'\t' -f1

returns only HTTP status codes

cat ~/tmp/123456789 | cut -d$'\t' -f2

Show all lines NOT containing HTTP status code "200"

cat ~/tmp/123456789 | grep -vP "\t200"

Show only URLs NOT containing HTTP status code "200"

cat ~/tmp/123456789 | grep -vP "\t200" | cut -d$'\t' -f1

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