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Last active March 2, 2025 10:03
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Windows 11 Install manually

Windows 11 manual install

WIndows 11 can be installed by hand on the computer by following a few simple steps: source: without pictures:

First of all, boot to the installation media.

Then, press Shift + F10. This will open command prompt.



list disk

This will show all your disks.

Now, choose which disk you want to install on. Now, I choose disk 0.


sel disk [insert disk number of preferred disk]
clean (This will delete your files on the selected disk)

Look for an asterisk under GPT, because you can't install if there is no asterisk. Mine doesn't. So, I'm gonna convert it to GPT.


sel disk [insert disk number of preferred disk]
conv gpt

It should be successful. Now, we're gonna create the EFI (Boot Partition) and the Primary partition (Windows install location)


create par efi size=512
format fs=fat32
assign letter [insert a letter without brackets] I'm gonna go with S
create partition msr size=16
create par pri

If your going for a recovery partition, like stock windows would do the next, else, skip the schrinking part. I just say you should go for a recovery tho.

shrink minimum=750
format quick fs=ntfs label="Windows"
assign letter [insert a letter without brackets] I'm gonna go with C

Now, you should add the recovery recovery partition, in the previous step, we asumed WinRE is smaller then 750 (520mb?)

create partition primary
format quick fs=ntfs label="Recovery"
assign letter="R"
set id="de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac"
gpt attributes=0x8000000000000001
list volume

Annnd here I think we're done with diskpart



Selecting and installing actual windows 11

Now we're gonna apply the image. But first, we need to know what editions are there. (Pro, Home, etc)


dism /Get-ImageInfo /imagefile:D:\sources\install.wim

Replace D:\ with your installation media letter

Choose which edition you want, and keep the index number in mind.

Now, I want Pro, so I'll choose 6.


dism /Apply-Image /ImageFile:D:\Sources\install.wim /index:6 /ApplyDir:C:\

Replace D:\ and C:\ with your installation media and your primary partition on the disk that you want to install Windows 11 on RESPECTIVELY. Oh, and replace 6 with the index/edition you want.

It will start applying the image.

I'll go and study till it reaches 100%.

Annnd finally it's complete

(Optional?) Recovery

If you followed my advice:

mkdir R:\Recovery\WindowsRE

xcopy /h C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\Winre.wim R:\Recovery\WindowsRE

C:\Windows\System32\Reagentc /setreimage /path R:\Recovery\WindowsRE /target C:\Windows

Making windows bootable

Now we just need to copy the boot files. So, I hope you know which letter your Primary partition is, because that has the boot files, but we need to copy them to your EFI partition for Windows to boot properly.

So just type

bcdboot C:\Windows /s S: /f ALL

Replace C:\ with your Primary partition letter and S: with your EFI partition letter.

It will copy the boot files.

Now just type


exit the installer, reboot system, dont boot cd.

Annnnd [inserts drumroll] it boots up to the OOBE

Aaaand it's gonna take a long time to "Get Ready"

OOBE, Local or Microsoft account

If you DO want to use a MS account just continue as the OOBE experience guides you. To not use a Microsoft account, but create a local account you can basicly use 2 methods:

  • An overly used emailadress
  • Disconnect the internet and use some special commands (also handy if you dont have internet)

Confusing email adress

Upon microsoft account creation/login, confuse Windows by inputting an email address that has been used too many times. The go-to email for this method is "[email protected]" which you can add on the Let's add your Microsoft account screen. Type a random password and done, profit.

Without internet

If you can disable the network by hand, either a disconnected cable or wifi turn of switch, go to paragrapf @Continue with no internet
to disconnect the network and you do not have access or a way to disable it by hand:

DHCP way

Shift+F10 and typing ipconfig /release This doesn't disconnect the network, it just releases the DHCP lease.

Improved and reboot save method

Shift+F10 and then type powershell

Get-NetAdapter -Name Ethernet | Disable-NetAdapter
Get-NetAdapter -Name Ethernet | Enable-NetAdapter

use Get-NetAdapter to check which adapter(s) you want to turn off. This should also persist through reboots (OOBE onwards).

force no internet allowed

Use the "Shift + F10" keyboard shortcut to open Command Prompt on the Windows 11 setup or use the previously opened commandline prompt

Type the following command to disable the internet connection requirement to set up Windows 11 and press Enter:


Continue with no internet

The computer will restart. The installer/OOBE will (again) ask you for your region and keyboard layout But this time, it will detect no internet and you be able to

Now you can press I Don't Have Internet

press Continue with limited setup on the next page and now you will be able to create a local account with your preffered password and continue the OOBE experience

Extras sources and information

One commenter said he also wanted the recovery partition, dis is done by creating the small recovery partion right after the windows partition like so:

Virtuio drivers, tpm and secureboot can also be done in a VM:

And someone at another reddit, shared their comments and notes here: Very helpfull and sugestions on disconnected local account creation

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